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  • HR Specialist: Employment Law
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Is job-hunting a firing offense?


Q. It has come to my attention that one of our managers has posted his résumé on an online job board. Is it legal to ask him if he is actively looking for another job? If he is, do we have grounds to terminate him?

Settlement soon? EEOC rules Wet Seal discriminated

Clothing retailer Wet Seal appears headed for a settlement after the EEOC ruled against it in a race discrimination complaint that alleged a high-level effort to trim the number of black employees working at the teen fashion retailers’ stores.

Can we terminate worker to keep domestic violence from spilling over into our workplace?

Q. We have learned that one of our employees has been subjected to domestic violence and has a restraining order against her boyfriend. We are concerned that the man might become violent in our workplace. We are considering terminating the employee to make sure that our other employees are safe. Does such a termination raise any legal issues?

Can’t stop employee from working off the clock? Fire him for willful misconduct

What can employers do when em­­ployees insist on clocking out and continuing to work? Warn them—and then discipline them. If you terminate employees for refusing to listen, they won’t be eligible for un­­em­­ployment compensation and you will also protect your company from an overtime lawsuit.

Caregiver leave: Was this firing disability discrimination?

A refusal to grant time off as an accommodation for the disability of an employee’s family member will only pass muster for employers too small to be covered by the FMLA or employees who did not work long enough to be eligible for FMLA leave.

North Canton trucking company faces DOL suit

North Canton-based Star Air faces a DOL lawsuit that seeks more than $600,000 in fines and reinstatement for two drivers allegedly fired for re­­fusing to drive unsafe vehicles.

txtng@wrk can mean no unemployment benefits


Employers don’t want distracted em­ployees, especially when their jobs require their undivided attention. That’s reason enough to tell workers to shut off their cellphones and other electronic devices. Ignoring such orders and engaging in distractions like reading text messages is misconduct.

Whether layoff affects one or 100, use solid business reasons to justify job cuts

Sometimes, all it takes to cure a budget shortfall is to cut one position. As a business move, doing so is just as valid as conducting a much larger layoff. As long as you can show the change was based on business needs, you won’t lose a discrimination case.

Stop litigious employees’ amateur sleuthing! Set policies to ban unauthorized recordings

Surreptitiously gathering evidence in violation of your rules isn’t protected activity and can’t be the basis for an employee’s subsequent retaliation lawsuit.

Before approving termination, check to see if boss has ax to grind with the employee

Do you routinely rubber-stamp your supervisors’ termination decisions? As an important U.S. Supreme Court ruling last year made clear, that’s not a smart move for HR—and a new ruling illustrates that further.