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Ensure FMLA status won’t affect firing decision

Here’s a tip that can prevent a needless lawsuit over FMLA retaliation. When a supervisor recommends firing an employee, make sure the final decision-maker doesn’t know about any recent or current FMLA leave usage.

RIF looming? Base layoffs on logical criteria


When business is down and you need to make cost-saving cuts, it can be tempting to use that as an excuse to shed a “troublemaking” employee. Don’t do it.

Title VII doesn’t cover sexual orientation

While several ballot initiatives nationwide show there has been a change in how the general public perceives same-sex relationships, sexual orientation is still not a protected class under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

Protect against bias allegations: Involve hiring manager in any termination decision

It’s a good standard policy: The person (or persons) who made the hiring decision should also take part in any firing decision. That way, the employee can’t argue that discrimination based on an obvious protected characteristic like race, sex or handicap must have been at work.

Employee won’t stop working off the clock? Don’t dock his pay; fire for misconduct

Make sure managers know they can’t turn a blind eye to unpaid work by hourly employees. What can employers do? Don’t dock their pay. Instead, warn them—and then discipline them.

Remind bosses: Steer clear of comments about employees’ use of FMLA leave


Some supervisors just can’t seem to resist offering “helpful” career advice to subordinates. But remarks concerning absences that are covered by the FMLA could be viewed as interference with a protected right, not good career advice. And that could spur a needless lawsuit if the employee is terminated.

Worried about firing the only minority employee?


If your workplace isn’t exactly the picture of diversity, the need to fire your only minority employee may worry you. Isn’t that just courting a lawsuit? Maybe—but that’s no reason to retain a poor performer.

Court nixes temp restraining orders for bias complaints


Employees’ attorneys have come up with a unique way to interfere with an employer’s right to fire employees. Workers who fear that they’re on the verge of being fired are seeking temporary restraining orders to stop the discharge. Fortunately, not all judges are going along with the ploy.

Give HR the last word on terminations: Supervisor bias can taint firing decisions

It’s never a good idea to “throw the book” at an employee just be­­cause a supervisor wants to get rid of her. Before approving discipline, check to make sure this isn’t an illegal effort to terminate. Ask why the supervisor wants to fire the employee.

Yes, you can fire for working off the clock


Some employees refuse to follow rules prohibiting off-the-clock work. Some—insisting they can’t complete their work any other way—may clock out and then return to work. That puts employers at risk for wage-and-hour lawsuits. You don’t have to put up with it.