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FMLA: 6th Circuit clarifies which employees are eligible

To be eligible under the Family and Medical Leave Act, an employee must have at least 1,250 hours of service with the employer during the previous 12 months. But be careful …

Ability to use noncompete clauses is shrinking

Doing business at the speed of the Internet may trim the time you have to restrict former employees from working for competitors. Mark Schlack signed an …

Don’t let religious employees badger other workers

As a born-again Christian, Kenneth Weiss says he is required to share his religious beliefs with others, including co-workers. But for some, working with him was hell.
He condemned co-workers, …

Transfer may not trigger clock on discrimination, retaliation claims

Frank Dorsey’s transfer from flight training supervisor to assistant chief pilot was the first step in a United Parcel Service (UPS) plan “to deliver the ‘coup de gr ^ace’ to his …

Jury smells a rat in firing of disabled man

A regional manager’s decision to fire a mentally disabled janitor cost the Chuck E. Cheese’s pizza chain plenty of dough. A jury awarded the janitor back pay and damages of more …

Firing ex-mistress is OK

If need be, you may be able to fire your ex-mistress. In one New York case, the guy decided to reconcile with his wife but she didn’t want him to work …