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Discrimination lawsuit by lesbian nurse fails in court


A federal judge in the Northern District of Texas recently dismissed a Title VII discrimination lawsuit brought by a lesbian nurse who claimed that she was fired because of her sexuality and appearance …

Carefully craft an escape clause in all job contracts


If you use employment contracts for independent contractors or senior-level managers, make sure those contracts contain enough "wiggle room" to terminate for cause based on your subjective performance assessment …

You can fire managers who ignore harassment complaints


The best harassment policy in the world isn’t worth the paper it’s written on if employees don’t take it seriously. To show your policy has teeth, you have to let it bite …

Reinstatement won’t erase your job-Bias liability


Here’s more incentive to make correct employment decisions the first time around: A recent court ruling makes clear that employees can still sue under Title VII even if your organization quickly reverses a decision …

Beware giving contradictory reasons for a layoff


When explaining to employees the reasons for a layoff, make sure you don’t contradict yourself. That’s especially true when the same manager gives an employee different reasons: A jury can take those contradictions and infer discrimination …

Layoff choices: Focus on performance, not just salary level


Nothing triggers age discrimination lawsuits like a layoff. After all, saving money is a primary consideration in most decisions to downsize. And because long-term employees are often paid more than newer employees, organizations that focus on money often end up with layoff lists heavy with post-40-year-olds. That’s a recipe for an Age Discrimination in Employment Act lawsuit …

RIF justifications need only be ‘Reasonable’ to stand up


If your organization plans a reduction in force, you can rest assured that you don’t have to prove that your method for selecting employees is the absolute best way to achieve your business goals …

Texas Supreme Court eases limits on noncompete pacts


If you’ve shied away from using noncompete clauses with employees in the past due to the unpredictability of their legality in Texas, it’s time to rethink that strategy. Reason: The Texas Supreme Court last month reversed its 12-year-old precedent on compete contracts for at-will employees, and the news is good for Texas employers …

Rethink noncompete contracts after big Supreme Court ruling


A significant Texas Supreme Court decision handed down last month makes it easier for employers to write and enforce noncompete agreements in Texas. The ruling, ASM v. Johnson and Strunk & Associates, provides important protection for businesses that want to use noncompete agreements to limit unfair competition from former employees …

Firing reasons: Make sure all statements are consistent


Nothing will sink a legal defense faster than inconsistent explanations from management about the real reasons for employment decisions. Before anyone makes any statements about a decision, review the facts and make sure everyone is on the same page …