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Stolen disc costs two jobs, plus a week of vacation


An Ohio Office of Management and Budget intern was fired, and a manager has resigned after someone broke into the intern’s car and stole a computer disc containing sensitive state payroll and accounting information …

Nordstrom faces EEOC suit


Gloria Pimental, a worker at Nordstrom stores in Wellington and Palm Beach Gardens, has filed an EEOC lawsuit alleging a manager harassed her and other Hispanic and black employees. Pimental claims she was fired when she complained …

Discharge due to downsizing? Document your RIF plan


In a company downsizing, management may make what seem like capricious decisions on who stays and who goes. That can be a huge problem if an older employee suspects age discrimination and sues—especially if there are other smoking-gun signs of discrimination, such as a supervisor’s apparent antipathy for older workers …

Union members can’t use ‘Public policy’ violation as basis for retaliation claim


Ohio state law may provide limited protection for employees fired in violation of “public policy.” But as the following case shows, those cases are limited to at-will employees, not those who have the protection of union representation or a union contract. Such employees don’t need the same protection that at-will employees may need …

Ohio Supreme Court limits ‘Voluntary abandonment’ doctrine


The Ohio Supreme Court has substantially limited the “voluntary abandonment” doctrine in claims for temporary total disability compensation under the Ohio Workers’ Compensation Act. That means employers may have to pay temporary total disability payments to employees even if they were injured while breaking safety rules

Looking for a court fight? Crack down after worker complains


Timing is everything, especially when it comes to retaliation. That’s why it’s crucial for supervisors and managers to understand: Once an employee has filed a complaint, don’t suddenly start enforcing rules you let slide before. If you do, the likely result will be a retaliation lawsuit …

Saigon Grill told delivery drivers to hit the road


The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has accused Manhattan’s Saigon Grill restaurants of illegally firing 22 delivery drivers because they requested minimum wage. The workers complained they were paid as little as $120 for a workweek that sometimes reached 75 hours …

Firing after FMLA leave makes ADA request irrelevant


Employers sometimes find themselves in tricky situations: An employee who has exhausted FMLA leave cannot return to work yet, but might be able to after more time off as an ADA accommodation. In effect, the ADA may extend leave if the employee is disabled. But a new case shows that an employer’s quick action may stop the clock …

Club manager, golf pro resign in wake of harassment suit


The general manager resigned and the head golf pro was fired at Egypt Valley Country Club in Ada after a former assistant golf pro filed a $100,000 lawsuit over sexual bullying …

Don’t retaliate against harassment victim who calls police


Here’s a risk you may not have considered: Ignoring a sexual harassment complaint may prompt the alleged victim to get help from outside law enforcement agencies. React inappropriately and you’re likely to have a retaliation suit on your hands …