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You can require employees to undergo medical evaluations


Have you ever suspected that one of your employees was not quite as injured or ill as he says? Employers certainly can insist on a medical examination to determine the exact nature and extent of workers’ medical problems—and any appropriate work restrictions. Just make certain you treat all injured employees the same …

On references, mum’s usually the word, but sometimes honesty is the best policy


Conventional wisdom says it’s best to refuse to offer any opinion when a prospective employer asks for a reference on an applicant you know may be a poor choice. But sometimes, you may feel compelled to give your counterpart at the hiring organization an honest “heads up.” Before you do, consider that the applicant may sue you if he doesn’t get the job …

Handing over the final paycheck


Q. When and how must I deliver a fired employee’s final paycheck? …

Set crystal-Clear rules governing employee absences


Employers are free to set reasonable no-call/no-show rules for all absences, including those that qualify for FMLA time off.  On the other hand, if you discharge someone for failing to follow a rule that doesn’t spell out exactly how you expect employees to call in, don’t be surprised if you end up embroiled in a long, time-consuming and expensive legal battle …

Head off ADA complaints by proactively offering to discuss accommodations


The ADA requires employers to engage in an interactive process to determine whether an applicant or employee is actually disabled and what, if any, accommodations are possible. But the law doesn’t expect employers to be clairvoyant …

Handbook helps convince court to overturn discrimination decision


The Indiana Court of Appeals reversed a decision by the Michigan City Human Rights Commission finding that Filter Specialists Inc. discriminated against two employees because they are black. Dawn Brooks and Charmaine Weathers were fired in 2003 for time-card fraud …

Giving employees a reason for discharge


Q. I own a small business with 27 employees. Last month I was forced to terminate one of my employees who had been caught stealing. Because I knew he was having some trouble at home, I agreed not to contest unemployment. However, I just received an e-mail from this former employee asking me tell to him, in writing, why I fired him. I cannot shake the feeling that I am being set up for something. After all, I told him during his termination meeting that he was being fired for stealing. Do I have to respond to this request? …

Don’t assume—It’s up to employee to raise disability issues


Do you suspect an employee may have a mental or psychological disability that may need accommodation—even though he hasn’t mentioned it? Tread carefully. If you assume the employee is disabled and he’s not, he’ll be able to sue you for regarding him as disabled. Here’s the best way to handle the matter

Pay commission? Make sure contracts are clear about terms


Commissions are a great way to motivate some employees to work harder. Usually a contract spells out the commission terms and how the payments work. But if the contract is the least bit unclear, expect trouble—especially if someday you have to discharge a commissioned salesman for poor performance …

You don’t have to put up with disruptive behavior


Have you tiptoed around an employee’s poor behavior because he belongs to a protected class? You don’t have to tolerate rudeness, threats or other disruptive acts. Just make sure you have clear rules in place and enforce them equally against everyone who breaks them. And remember: You have an obligation to provide a workplace free of violence …