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How to get the most from your exit interviews

From both sides of the table, exit interviews are not a comfortable situation. But organizations can gain a lot of valuable information that can help improve the workplace culture and reduce turnover.

EEOC appeals loss in funeral home transgender case

The EEOC is appealing a federal court’s ruling that a Michigan funeral home was allowed to fire a transgender employee because of the owner’s religious objections.

Workplace violence rules out unemployment benefits

If an employee engages in violent behavior and is fired, she isn’t entitled to unemployment compensation benefits.

OK to voice concern about age as long as you don’t base termination decision on it

When determining which positions should be eliminated during a reduction in force or reorganization, sometimes supervisors and managers will look at the ages of those likely affected. All by itself, that’s not evidence of age discrimination.

Minor deviation from layoff procedures? Courts unlikely to consider that discrimination

Of course you should always strive to follow your internal policies and procedures to the letter. That doesn’t mean you need to panic if you discover that someone unintentionally deviated from your standard practice.

Prepare to prove firing wasn’t retaliation

If an employee complained about a supervisor’s actions, make sure the supervisor can’t manipulate the disciplinary process to punish the worker.

Beware close timing between FMLA and firing

Use caution when terminating someone who is on FMLA leave or has just returned to work following FMLA leave. The timing alone might trigger a lawsuit.

Ensure early-out incentives are equitable

Often before an employer implements a reduction in force, it may try to encourage employees to resign or retire by offering early-out incentives.

Use documentation of past violations to justify harsh discipline

Smart employers catalog every instance of discipline. Those records come in handy if you must fire one employee for breaking the same rule as another employee who wasn’t terminated.

Are you courting a wrongful discharge suit?

Before firing anyone, ask yourself the following questions to gauge whether you could defend yourself in a wrongful discharge suit.