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What’s wrong with letting an employee ‘Resign’ instead of firing him?

Q. I have an employee in my department who was involved in a fight at work. He has asked to be allowed to resign rather than be terminated. I like this guy. Should I let him do this? …

Decision-Making paper trail: The best kryptonite to lawsuits

Employers that take the time to create good paper trails seldom lose discrimination lawsuits. Those who can show the rationale behind a decision find that few employees can come up with anything to counter that rationale …

Exempt employees and negative leave balances

Q. I know I must pay exempt employees their full salaries even if they have no accrued benefits in their leave plans and their accounts have negative balances. But can I keep negative balance tallies and then subtract the negative balances as the employees earn more leave? …

Job bias against women who’ve had abortions is illegal


By now you know that employers can’t fire or otherwise punish employees because they’re pregnant. But what about employees who choose to have an abortion? Make sure your supervisors know it’s illegal to discriminate against them, too.

Social Security disability doesn’t automatically earn ADA status

Employees who are approved for Social Security disability payments sometimes think that automatically means they’re also deemed “disabled” under the ADA, which requires their employers to offer “reasonable accommodations.” But that’s simply not true …

FMLA leave-Takers aren’t untouchable, but courts will look closely at timing

Employers that come down hard on employees who have just requested FMLA leave are looking for trouble—especially if the employee was performing well until recently. The timing will look suspicious …

Refusing reinstatement after FMLA? Get your story straight

Employees who take FMLA leave are entitled to return to their same jobs (or substantially equal ones) after leave ends. But what happens if employees can’t return to their same jobs because they aren’t completely well or able to do the same duties they did before?

Never, never on a Sunday


Timothy Walker was hired in 1995 at the Lafayette, Ind., plant of Alcoa Inc., based in Pittsburgh. Walker also served as a pastor at an area church. In May 1998, when he was appointed head pastor, Walker asked to be excused from work on Sundays …

Termination by phone: legal but unwise


Q. We have an employee who has been working from home. We’ve decided we really need someone in the office. Can we terminate her by phone? Or do we have to call her into the office? …

Pregnancy discrimination law covers women who’ve had abortions


By now you know that employers can’t fire or otherwise punish employees because they’re pregnant. But what about employees who choose to have an abortion? Make sure your supervisors know it’s illegal to discriminate against them, too.