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Keep detailed records on disciplinary process


Far too often, careless employers lose lawsuits they should have won, especially when it comes to terminations. Here’s why: Some fired employees will sue for discrimination, and they have to show that you treated them differently because of some protected characteristic such as race, gender or age …

Government workers squeezed as economy shrinks tax base


Georgia ended its fiscal year with a $1.6 billion budget shortfall, money it will have to squeeze out of its spending in the coming fiscal year. As a result, state workers in numerous departments and agencies are facing layoffs, pay freezes and reduced hours.

Temp agencies don’t have to cut check immediately after each assignment


Some temp employees have tried to argue that they should be paid immediately for their work as soon as they finish a particular assignment—and not have to wait until the next regular payday. They’ve claimed that when each assignment ends, they are in effect being “discharged.” Now a federal trial court has clarified that the end of an assignment isn’t a “discharge.”

Confidentiality provision may violate federal labor law


A temporary employment agency violated federal labor law by including a confidentiality provision in an employment contract, according to a recent NLRB ruling (Northeastern Land Services, Ltd. dba The NLS Group and Jamison John Dupuy, 352 NLRB No. 89, 2008). In the case, the agency fired a worker for violating the confidentiality provision …

Firing a ‘That’s not in my job description’ complainer


Q. The owner of our company recently fired an employee who refused to run a business-related errand. The employee said running errands wasn’t in his job description. Can he sue us for wrongful termination? …

Can we terminate employees on workers’ comp?


Q. We have two employees who went out on workers’ compensation leave and never came back. They’re still listed as employees. Can we lay them off? …

Change your computer passwords often: Study casts suspicious eye on departing IT staff


Exercise extreme caution when terminating employees with knowledge of your IT systems. More than eight in 10 IT security professionals admitted that, if laid off tomorrow, they’d take valuable and sensitive company information with them, according to a new Cyber-Ark Software survey.

Document why termination was justified when employee can’t handle promotion duties


Sometimes, employees who do great at one job lay an egg when promoted up the org chart. When that happens, and you find you have to terminate the employee, be sure to document exactly what went wrong. Otherwise, the employee may sue, claiming some sort of discrimination …

Fire away if severance demands are unreasonable


Wise HR professionals understand that, before jumping the gun and firing an employee who has filed a complaint, a thorough investigation is in order. But that’s when many employees try to negotiate a severance package in exchange for a resignation. If the investigation and negotiations drag on, can you discharge the employee for making what you consider unreasonable demands? …

Caring for grandchild qualifies for FMLA leave


When an employee has a baby or adopts a child, it’s easy to determine that he or she is eligible for FMLA leave. But it gets murkier when the baby who needs care isn’t the employee’s own child. The FMLA regulations list eligible dependent children as those to whom the employee has “day-to-day responsibility to care for and financially support.”