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Can you legally search a worker’s locked desk?


Employees may think of “their” desks as their own private domains—safe places to keep their own things literally under lock and key. However, employers do have the right to open that locked drawer. When the desk is in an open area shared with other employees, the employee with the key doesn’t have a reasonable expectation of privacy.

Thorough and confidential investigation is best HR response when harassment strikes


It’s bound to happen. An employee will complain about supposed sexual harassment and you will have to investigate. How you handle that investigation could make the difference between winning a retaliation lawsuit and losing it—big time. Here’s the best approach:

Warning: Even legit firing can lead to lawsuit


You’d think terminating someone for obviously gross misconduct and behavior that was simply unacceptable would be a slam-dunk. No chance such an employee could bring a lawsuit, right? Wrong. There’s always the potential for a discrimination suit …

How to write a legally safe layoff letter


No matter how you write layoff letters, they are bound to anger employees, especially if the employees don’t see it coming. Don’t give irate employees legal ammunition by writing misleading, inaccurate or insensitive layoff letters. To avoid legal action, think of layoff letters as informal legal documents that include the following …

As economic route turns rough, beware these 4 RIF potholes


Layoffs are in the news. With a recession looming, this necessary evil is on agendas throughout corporate America. A layoff—or RIF—is a tricky, painful process for management, those who lose their jobs and even employees who remain afterward. Here are four critical and often overlooked RIF potholes that can make the route more treacherous than it needs to be …

Unemployment claims rise in wake of Gulf hurricanes


The number of new unemployment benefits claims filed nationwide increased by 32,000 in late September, a spike at least partially attributable to layoffs that followed hurricanes Gustav and Ike. That brought total late September unemployment claims to 493,000.

The new HR toolkit: Resources you need for tough times


As the impact of the global economic crisis filters down from Wall Street to office cube farms and shop floors, HR professionals will find their expertise in greater and greater demand. Unfortunately, you may have to spend much of your time on the least pleasant of all HR tasks—planning and executing layoffs and other staff cutbacks.

Isolated comment not enough to prove age discrimination


Do you worry that one ill-chosen comment could lead to a huge lawsuit? Don’t lose too much sleep unless the comment was grossly inappropriate …

Beware bigger penalties for wage-and-hour claims under N.J. whistle-blower law


Employees and their lawyers are always looking for more ways to wring money out of employers that make mistakes. The latest trend in wage-and-hour cases, for example, is to file an FLSA lawsuit and then seek to collect additional damages by tacking on additional claims under New Jersey’s Conscientious Employee Protection Act. Here’s how

Just taking leave doesn’t mean employee is disabled


Employees ask for and take medical leave for all sorts of reasons. That doesn’t mean their employers know when an employee is disabled. But that doesn’t stop some employees from trying to use their leave as evidence in a discrimination lawsuit …