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  • HR Specialist: Employment Law
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What’s the required timing for final paychecks?


Q. What are the deadlines for paying employees who are terminated or resign from employment?

Can employers force older workers to retire?


Q. Can we legally set a mandatory retirement age for our workers?

When the writing is on the wall: Court finds employee justified in believing she was fired


It’s not surprising that employees and employers can view the same circumstances differently. Consider, for example, the following case, in which an employee thought she had been replaced and promptly left. She was entitled to unemployment compensation based on her reasonable belief that she had been fired even though her employer never told her so.

Protected activity can include protesting racial comment


In some circumstances, all it takes to launch a retaliation lawsuit is a supervisor’s isolated, insensitive comment , as the following case shows.

ERISA can send contract case to federal court


Employment agreements are contracts. When disputes arise, they’re typically litigated in state courts because they involve state contract laws. But under the right circumstances, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) may apply to the agreement, effectively making the contract a protected benefit plan.

When federal compliance and N.C. law collide: Violating FMLA doesn’t end at-will employment


Employers that end up violating the FMLA—unintentionally or not—don’t face an additional problem under North Carolina law. The supposed problem: At-will employees in North Carolina can sue their employers if they’re terminated and the discharge violates public policy. But failing to follow the intricacies of federal laws and regulations doesn’t violate public policy.

Make sure HR reviews each firing in advance


When it comes to termination, courts cut employers lots of slack—if employers can show they sincerely believed they were firing an employee for good reasons. You can show that good faith by having HR review all disciplinary actions, especially double-checking on termination decisions before they are finalized.

Sedentary work restriction may be disability


Employees who are unable to perform anything but sedentary work may be disabled under the ADA. That means employers may have to find ways to accommodate them, including finding open positions for them to fill elsewhere within the company.

Include past conduct in ‘for-cause’ clause


If you use employment contracts for key employees, and those contracts include a “for cause” discharge clause—essentially allowing you to terminate the contract (and employment) for specified reasons—include a paragraph that includes acts or omissions that occurred before the contract was signed.

How to wind up in court: Suggest ‘a man would be better’


Here’s advice that bears repeating to everyone involved in hiring and firing: Never opine that you’d prefer someone of the opposite sex to do a job. Word will get around … and you’re sure to get sued.