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FMLA isn’t ‘discipline shield’: Fire for unrelated actions


Employees sometimes think taking FMLA leave—or even just asking for the time off—protects them from being disciplined or discharged. But Congress never intended the FMLA to act as a shield against legitimate discipline that’s unrelated to the leave. That’s why you’re free to discipline or discharge employees if you can prove you would have taken the same action regardless of the FMLA leave or request.

New job requirement can be good reason for discharge


In these tough economic times, employers often have to find ways to do more with less—such as cutting some positions and adding new duties and responsibilities to others. That means some employees will no longer be qualified for their jobs.

Employee stressed out by possible discipline? That’s no reason to halt the process


Go figure: Some employees get stressed out when they suspect they’re facing serious discipline or even termination. That understandable anxiety doesn’t mean you have to stop the disciplinary process. Unless the employee asks for FMLA leave or otherwise gives you enough information to indicate that she has a serious health condition—and not just nerves—you can go ahead with your investigation.

Employment Contracts


HR Law 101: Some employers and employees choose to enter into an employment contract. Usually the worker is seeking job security, while the company wants to protect its trade secrets and sales territories. However, if you sign an employment contract, you may find that you’ve given away more than you bargained for …

Sample Policy: Terminations

The following sample policies were excerpted from The Book of Company Policies, published by HR Specialist. Edit for your organization’s purposes. _____________________ Sample Policy 1: “There are two ways to terminate employment: voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary terminations include resignations, retirement, failure to return from leave, failure to report to work for three consecutive days without […]

Evaluating employee before return to work? Know difference between medical, agility tests


Under the ADA, employers aren’t allowed to subject employees to medical tests unless they can prove that the examinations are job-related and consistent with business necessity. However, they can ask employees to perform agility tests. The line between the two is difficult to find. But get it wrong, and you may have an ADA discrimination case on your hands.

You don’t have to put up with insubordination


Employees who file discrimination complaints sometimes end up with a chip on their shoulders while the complaint is pending. And since they know it’s illegal for employers to retaliate against them, they’re on the lookout for anything that seems like punishment. But that doesn’t mean employers have to shy away from disciplining those employees when it’s deserved.

When firing employees, take reasonable security measures


Some employees get mad when they learn they’re being terminated. Some may even try to abscond with valuable company property or records as a way to retaliate for losing their jobs. That’s why employers should take reasonable measures to protect records and property—even if that means escorting the fired employee out of the building and preventing access to work spaces and equipment.

Drunken worker injured? Discipline right away


Employees who come to work under the influence of alcohol are obvious safety risks. If workers are impaired, don’t hesitate to act promptly. Waiting until someone gets hurt could backfire badly. Courts may view the delay as suspicious and assume you’re fabricating a reason to fire the allegedly intoxicated worker.

Daimler Truck workers get federal unemployment assistance


Laid-off Daimler Trucks North America workers at the company’s Gastonia plant are eligible for assistance under the Trade Adjustment Assistance Act, which provides extended unemployment compensation benefits to workers who lose their jobs because of competition from imported products.