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Wife’s pregnancy complications warrant granting FMLA leave

Some employers mistakenly believe that fathers aren’t allowed to take time off before their child is born to deal with prenatal complications.

Sometimes discrimination claims can bypass the EEOC

Suppose an employee claims her organization illegally discriminated against someone on the basis of disability—and then the employee is fired. If the employee planned on suing, surely the employer would find out well in advance, because first the employee would have complained to the EEOC, right? Not necessarily.

Establish zero-tolerance policy on violence and threats–but don’t count on backup from courts


The almost universal employer response to increased workplace violence has been the implementation of so-called zero-tolerance policies. The problem with zero-tolerance rules is that they only work if they’re uniformly enforced. Employers can’t pick and choose which employee’s behavior violates the policy. To do so invites legal trouble, as the following case shows.

Heart condition isn’t always an ADA disability


It’s understandable that someone who has had a heart attack and taken time off to recover might assume that he’s disabled under the terms of the ADA. That’s not always the case. As is true of other conditions, it’s only a disability if the heart attack’s residual effects substantially impair a major life function.

Keep good records–they’re the key to winning lawsuits

Remind supervisors: They can’t be careless about documenting poor performance, tardiness and other indications that an employee isn’t performing as well as expected. Good records provide the basis for valid discipline.

Terminating employee? Don’t forget appropriate notifications


Terminating employees is never easy. Not only do you have to think about the employee’s reaction and those of co-workers who may be worried about their own jobs, you also have to worry whether the employee will sue and how to minimize the risk. One area you have control over is making sure that every terminated employee receives legally mandated termination notices. Here’s a quick guide.

Don’t sweat the small stuff: It’s no basis for lawsuits


Employees seem to think they are entitled to a perfect workplace, free from any conflict or unpleasantness. But that isn’t true. Heck, it’s not even possible! Courts rarely indulge such claims. They’d rather sort out real discrimination and harassment cases, not waste time on hypersensitive employees.

Court shows no patience for litigious ex-employee

It happens quite often: An employee you fired for rock-solid reasons sues … and sues … and sues some more. Once a former employee gets lawsuit-happy, there’s no telling how far the litigation process will go. But now there’s good news. State and federal courts are tossing out such cases almost as fast as they come in the door. Appeals courts, too.

Employment law 101: Beware firing immediately after employee returns from FMLA leave

If you terminate an employee the day he comes back from FMLA leave, plan on getting sued. Timing alone can be enough for the court to let a jury decide the case. That’s true even if your past practices in similar cases don’t show any pattern of FMLA interference.

New hire a dud? Have hiring manager fire

Here’s a practice you should make standard operating procedure: Have the same manager who makes hiring decisions also make the firing decisions. Doing so will cut the chances of a successful discrimination lawsuit.