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Study: Pennsylvania a hotbed for W&H claims


A recent report offers some ominous news for Pennsylvania employers. Pennsylvania is one of eight states that saw an increase in class-action wage-and-hour cases filed in state court last year, according to the Seyfarth Shaw law firm’s new Workplace Class Action Litigation Report.

Williams-Sonoma sticks fork in Camp Hill call center


Kitchen supply store Williams-Sonoma closed its Camp Hill call center in January. The company opted to pay its employees 60 days’ wages in lieu of providing the 60-day warning required by the federal WARN Act.

New economic stimulus law will find HR working closely with accounting


The politics of the economic recovery and stimulus bill President Obama signed on Feb. 17 have been the talk of Washington for weeks. Now get ready to figure out what it really means for business. Tip for HR pros: Plan on spending lots of time in the accounting department.

The safest way to handle calls for references and recommendations


As the economy shrinks, unemployment is growing in New York and throughout the country. If your organization plans to lay off workers or already has, brace yourself. Lots of former employees are going to list you and your managers as references when they seek new jobs. That means it’s time to make sure you have policies in place on how to handle reference-check calls.

Mayors’ forecast: Ohio to see large job losses in 2009


According to a forecast by the U.S. Conference of Mayors, Ohio’s major cities will experience heavy job losses this year: Cleveland, with a current workforce of 1.06 million jobs, will lose 22,200 jobs. Cincinnati (1.04 million workforce) will lose 20,500 jobs. Columbus (948,000 workforce) will lose 7,700 jobs.

Mayors’ forecast: Miami job losses among nation’s worst


According to a forecast by the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the Miami area will suffer some of the largest job losses in the nation in 2009. Miami is expected to lose about 85,000 jobs this year. The city’s unemployment rate may exceed 10%.

Extended benefits to help 3,000 jobless Minnesotans


One of the first laws passed this year by the Minnesota Legislature will help about 3,000 Minnesotans who were about to exhaust their unemployment benefits …

Target workers hit with layoffs


Minneapolis-based Target, the nation’s second largest discount retailer, has announced it will cut 1,000 jobs in Minneapolis alone. Those cuts include 400 open but unfilled positions, in addition to 600 layoffs.

Best Buy also cuts jobs


Best Buy, the nation’s largest electronics retailer, will cut an undisclosed number of jobs at its Richfield headquarters. The news comes after 500 employees already left under a voluntary buyout program.

How should we handle layoffs without risking discrimination claims?


Q. We need to cut two employees from our marketing department. One of the employees we would prefer to keep was hired only six months ago. If we don’t base our decision on seniority, are we more susceptible to discrimination claims?