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Chipotle fires workers, faces protests, after ICE audit

Protesters have been picketing some of Minnesota’s 50 Chipotle restaurants after the McDonald’s-owned company fired hundreds of workers—mainly Latino—because they lacked proper documentation. The firings followed an audit by ICE officials, which have now expanded to other Chipotle restaurants nationwide.

Worry that boss is a bully? Ask subordinates


You hear a lot about bullies and bullying these days, especially in schools. But bullies grow up. If they’re not stopped, they bring intimidation and violence into the workplace. What’s worse, some of them will become supervisors. If you get wind of a potential bully boss, here’s what to do:

NLRB sanctions Toledo industrial cleaning company

The National Labor Relations Board has come down hard on Toledo-based Bebley Enterprises, ruling that the company illegally terminated a collective bargaining agreement, stopped contributing to the union’s benefit program, quit collecting union dues and harassed employees who were loyal to the union.

Understand Ohio unemployment comp: Breaking a rule isn’t enough to deny benefits


You may think that discharging an employee for breaking a company rule automatically means that former employee won’t receive unemployment compensation in Ohio. But that’s not always the case. In fact, breaking a rule isn’t enough. Instead, the measure of whether you had just cause to fire the employee is whether an ordinary person would have done what the employee did under the same circumstances.

NLRB settlement suggests employee Facebook posts are protected

The National Labor Relations Board has settled with a company that fired an employee for posting negative comments about a boss on her Facebook page. The case seems to signal that employee communications that happen via social media constitute protected activity under federal law. Does your social media policy go too far?

Houston strip bar peels off $60,000 to settle age bias suit


The adult entertainment business trades on youthful vitality, but there’s no reason an older worker shouldn’t serve drinks in a strip club. So said the EEOC, which just reached a settlement agreement with the owners of Houston’s Cover Girls strip bar after they fired a 56-year-old waitress.

Vague bias claims won’t get far in federal court

Some former employees think that filing a federal lawsuit is the best way to build up their bank accounts after being fired. Their complaints are often short on detail. Courts are beginning to toss out those complaints.

You’re not a doctor! Don’t restrict pregnant employee’s work unless her physician says so

Some old-school managers cling to outdated notions about how to treat pregnant employees. Kind gestures are fine, but watch out if a manager’s overprotectiveness results in women being denied promotions or opportunities to work when there’s no reason not to.

You never know what you’ll learn: Before making firing decision, let employee talk

Sometimes, it’s useful to ask for an employee to comment on allegations that could lead to his discharge. For example, in the following case, the employer was about to fire a worker for omitting prior employment from his job application. Before doing so, the employer directly asked if that had, in fact, happened.

It’s OK to punish drunk worker for misconduct, but not for his disability


Disabled employees sometimes think they can use their medical conditions to get away with misbehavior. That’s simply not true. Employers can and should punish behavior that is disruptive, wrong or breaks company rules, even if that behavior may be tangentially related to a disability of some sort.