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HR CSI: Conducting a post-mortem of a legal claim


If you’ve ever been caught up in an employment lawsuit, chances are you couldn’t wait for it to be over. Yet every case presents a valuable opportunity to prevent future problems and improve HR effectiveness by conducting an “autopsy” of the claim. Jathan Janove tells you how.

Serious rules violation enough to void unemployment comp

Employers have a right to expect em­­ployees to follow the work rules laid out for them. Employees who are terminated for breaking those rules won’t be eligible for unemployment compensation because it was their fault they were discharged.

Punish poor behavior, not FMLA leave

Some employees need FMLA leave to cope with work stress. But that doesn’t mean that employers can’t punish someone who makes threats.

Jewish home fires Seventh Day Adventist for observing Sabbath

File this one under “Hard to believe, but true.” A Boca Raton nursing home called Menorah House has fired a certified nursing assistant because she insisted on observing her religion’s Sabbath. She filed a complaint with the EEOC claiming she had been fired in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

EEOC’s bias decision doesn’t bind federal court

It’s not the end of the world if you receive an EEOC decision that says your organization discriminated against an employee. The decision isn’t binding and courts often don’t grant much weight to such a determination.

Are your employees equal-opportunity offenders? Be sure your discipline is just as colorblind

Employers must make sure they hand out similar punishment for similar misconduct, regardless of the race of the employee—or any publicity that might surround the case.

Court allows termination for failing drug test

A school employee has lost her case against the school district after it fired her for testing positive for illegal drugs. She had argued she was forced to undergo drug testing on the threat of losing her job and that the testing violated her right to privacy and right to be free from unreasonable searches under the U.S. Constitution.

Knowingly hired older worker? Don’t fear age bias lawsuit

Employers that willingly hire older employees and later discharge them are unlikely to lose if they later face an age discrimination suit.

It doesn’t matter who started it! Managers must always behave appropriately


Some employers have strict rules that prohibit supervisors from getting involved in subordinates’ personal problems—or treating them badly. That’s fine. Employers are free to set their own supervisory standards, and a subor­dinate’s behavior doesn’t excuse a supervisor’s out-of-bounds reaction.

When can we fire for offensive body odor?

Q. We have a staff member with body odor so bad that other staff members have complained and even threatened to leave the company. The employee has been disciplined several times and required to go home without pay until she agrees to comply with our grooming code. At what point can we legally terminate her?