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Don’t let tummy aches turn into entitlements

Katherine Thorson was fired for excessive absenteeism after missing four days of work due to stomach cramps and medical tests. All of her tests were normal, but weeks later (after her …

Working overtime can be an essential function of the job

Marvin Davis agreed to work overtime when he accepted a job under a collective bargaining agreement with Florida Power & Light Co. But after he aggravated his back …

In-house whistle-blowers win protection

Truck driving instructor Bud Barela tried to help his students “do the math” to figure out how they could earn pay and time off the company promised. But the numbers …

Firing can’t masquerade as a one-person rif

Elizabeth Bellaver, a manager at a manufacturing plant, consistently earned excellent job evaluations. But her supervisor noted problems with her …

Straight talk, business reasons help shoot down bias lawsuit

Vendors, customers and employees had complained about Jane Sturdivan, a 59-year-old office manager. But her fate was sealed when a 24-year-old office accountant …

Seinfeld jokester loses award

If you were stunned when a jury awarded $26.6 million to Jerold Mackenzie for wrongful discharge after he was fired for discussing a sexual innuendo …

Workers at smallest firms using ‘public policy’ loophole to file suits

If you operate a small business, don’t take it for granted that you’re immune from state discrimination laws. It’s true that state anti-bias laws don’t apply …

Limit sensitive meetings to ‘need-to-know’ managers

During a management meeting, an operations director warned Karen Bishop, a human resources manager, not to share information with another employee whom …

Erratic attendance can disqualify employee from ADA protection

Dan Jovanovic was one of the tool and die makers that kept the In-Sink-Erator manufacturing plant running. But Jovanovic had an erratic attendance record …

Multiple locations? Check local law before setting nationwide rules

If your company operates in several locations, make sure you’re complying with every city and state law. And check your employee handbook, too. It may need …