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Can you fire a poor performer who’s on FMLA leave?


Q. Our office receptionist has a history of being late for work and taking unexcused absences. She’s out on FMLA leave to care for her sick mother. Her temporary replacement is doing an outstanding job and always shows up on time. Our CEO has asked if we can keep the new receptionist and tell the other one not to return. Can we? —J.M., New York

Wear kid gloves with accommodation requests; they are ‘protected activity’

Alert managers that they can’t demote, fire or retaliate in any way against employees simply because they ask you to accommodate their physical ailments. That advice holds true even if employees …

Workers’ religious beliefs don’t trump your need for a bias-free workplace

Employees are clearly entitled to their own religious beliefs. But your organization doesn’t need to bend the rules to allow those beliefs to interfere with the rights of other employees.

Retaliation: Don’t retaliate against witnesses

After a workplace investigation, check with all parties involved (including witnesses) to make sure they haven’t been retaliated against. The case: During an investigation into misconduct, employee Donny Abbott told supervisors …

Be consistent when you discipline and terminate


Q. We fired one of our truck drivers after giving him a written warning about continued lateness in completing weekly logs. Should we have taken any other action prior to his termination? —R.W., California

Use caution in firing employee after On-the-Job injury


Q. An employee in our plant was directed by a replacement line supervisor to use a machine that he wasn’t trained to operate. The employee stuck his hand into the machine to clear a jam and was injured. The plant supervisor fired the employee while he was still in the hospital for operating machinery he hadn’t been trained on. Does the employee have a right to sue us if he was actually ordered by the line supervisor to do this job? —K.C.

Protect employee/witnesses from retaliation

After a workplace investigation, check with all parties involved (including witnesses) to make sure they haven’t been retaliated against. While it’s illegal to retaliate against employees for filing a lawsuit, you …

Don’t lash out at workers who take jury-duty leave

Issue: Can a small organization point to its size as a valid reason to deny jury-duty leave?
Risk: State law exemptions won’t necessarily protect you from this type of lawsuit. …

‘Angel of death’ case highlights the risk of negligent hiring lawsuits

When news reports surfaced in December that a New Jersey hospital nurse admitted to killing 30 to 40 patients in his 14-year career, a pattern of lax background checks emerged.

Clarify your vacation policy or cough up extra pay

Issue: Must you always pay employees for their unused vacation time when they depart your organization?
Risk: An unclear vacation policy could allow terminated employees to sue you and collect …