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Schools aren’t exempt from wage-and-Hour laws


Q. At our university, the special-events supervisors must occasionally hire people. We currently don’t pay for their time involved in interviewing job candidates. I think we should pay them for that time, but I was told education institutions are exempt from pay laws. Is that true? —D.D., West Virginia

Make Sure ‘Manual Punch’ Counts Correct Hours


Q. We use a timecard punch-in/punch-out system. If an employee forgets to punch in, and we manually do it, do any labor laws apply? —B.B., New York

Personnel Files: How Separate Must They Be?


Q. In a previous issue you said employers “must keep certain records separate from personnel files.” What, specifically, does “separate” mean—in separate drawers of the same file cabinet? In separate offices? How far apart do they need to be? —T.S., Illinois

Firing for ‘moral issue’ is legal but unwise


Q. Our church day care center hired a woman who, we later found out, was living with a married man. Our director had “moral issues” with this situation and terminated her. I think the termination was illegal. Was it? —L.T., Florida

You Shouldn’t Tie FMLA Leave to Workers’ Evaluation Date


Q. Our FMLA policy says that if employees take leaves of absence under FMLA for more than seven days, their annual review date is moved back for the amount of time they were out. Is this policy lawful? —S.H., Maryland

Keep copies of new hires’ I-9 supporting documents


Q. Should I always make and retain copies of Form I-9 supporting documents? —K.L., California

Don’t Treat Disciplinary Suspensions as ‘Admin Leave’


Q. We recently sent an employee home for not following his supervisor’s instructions. Do we have an obligation to pay him for the full day regardless? How should we handle this situation in the future? Is this considered administrative leave? —D.M., California

Consider paying staff if computer error halts work


Q. Is it OK not to pay hourly employees if we have to send them home because our computer system went down for the day? —J.B., Massachusetts

Pay for After-Hours Event if It’s Work-Related


Q. Can we require full-time nonexempt employees to attend work-related functions after regular hours? If so, should this time be compensated? —M.A., Texas

Incremental vacation time is legal, but not best option


Q. We have salaried, exempt employees who take increments of vacation time (anywhere from one hour to seven hours at a time) instead of one full day. Is this legal? Or should they take only full-day vacation? —C.D., New Jersey