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  • HR Specialist: Employment Law
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Pay for training time


Q. If our organization offers voluntary training to our employees and the training takes place during their lunch hour, do we have to pay the employees for the time spent attending the training? 

Background checks


Q. When may an employer conduct background checks on employees and potential employees?

Use discipline to enforce your no-Overtime policy


Q.  We temporarily allowed an hourly employee to come in early and take work home at night. We paid her for overtime on both ends. But now we’ve promoted someone else and told the hourly worker to stop coming in early and taking work home. She said she prefers working early and still does (plus she skips lunch) but reports for just 40 hours. Is she setting us up?—L.B., New York

You (not the employee) determine FMLA leave


Q. At a recent FMLA seminar I attended, the speaker said that employers have the responsibility to ask employees if they want their absences applied to their 12 weeks of available FMLA leave. I understand that we can run FMLA leave concurrent with paid sick leave, but what if an employee doesn’t want to use up his FMLA leave and has other paid or unpaid leave available under our company leave policy?—J.G., Ohio

Should we give reviews to independent contractors?


Q. We have several independent contractors working at our company, as well as many regular employees. We give performance reviews to regular employees, but not the independent contractors. Should we?—M.L., California

Complying with the no-Docking rules


Q. We are a small company with fewer than 20 employees. While I understand the issue of paying exempt employees full salary and docking from the PTO banks when they’re absent, is there someplace that I can go to get an example of a company policy to support a 40-hour-per-week effort from each employee?—E.R., Virginia

Employee can’t take FMLA leave for jail time


Q. Does the FMLA apply to employees who are in jail, too?—A.B., Texas

Direct deposit requires employee’s written consent


Q. We have been told by our accounting office that the company could save a great deal of money if it could get away from the payroll practice of providing employees with checks, and instead go to a direct-deposit arrangement. We have both a non-union work force and a small group in a union. Can we go ahead and implement such a change, or negotiate a change with the union?—M.B.

Employer can require injured employee to work


Q. We have an employee who is out with a workers’ compensation injury on a medical leave of absence. We have a job that this employee should be able to perform, but it is not the same job that he was performing when he was injured. We called him in and told him about the job, but he refuses to do the job because he doesn’t like it. Can we stop his workers’ compensation benefits?—G.J.

Does FMLA require leave to care for grandchildren?


Q. The out-of-town daughter of our employee has been confined to bed rest during her pregnancy. The daughter is 24. Our employee has requested FMLA leave to be with her and take care of the grandchildren. Are we required to honor this request?—J.B.