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Vista may not release data on those who employ day laborers


Recently, a Superior Court for San Diego County issued a temporary restraining order to stop the city of Vista from releasing the personal information of employers registered to employ contingent workers. The decision came after Vista passed an ordinance requiring registration of anyone who hired day laborers from “uncontrolled locations” …

Any requirement to pay out or roll over unused sick leave?


Q. Our policy provides employees with five days of paid sick leave each year. If workers do not use all this time off, are we required to pay them for that time or roll it over to the next year? …

Q&A: Thanks for the two-Week notice … Now clean out your desk


Q. If an employee resigns and gives two weeks’ notice, can the employer tell the worker that he or she is not needed for the two weeks and avoid paying the person for that time? …

How much time off for children’s school activities?


Q. With school starting, can you remind us what our obligations are to grant workers time off to participate in their children’s school-related activities? …

Must we grant time off for rehab?


Q. An employee recently confided to us that he has a drug problem and would like to take several weeks off to participate in a rehabilitation program. Does the California Labor Code require us to grant him time off?

Limited right to terminate employees whose wages are garnished


Q. Every time we turn around, a certain employee is having his wages garnished. We’re sick and tired of the added paperwork and are ready to terminate his employment. Is this a valid reason? …

Georgia law requires issuing DOL-800 forms for all separations


Q. It has always been our practice to issue separation notices only when we involuntarily discharge or lay off an employee, but our new plant manager believes we have to issue them even when an employee resigns voluntarily. What’s the rule? …

Georgia Crime Information Center an invaluable tool for employers


Q. I’ve heard that the state of Georgia can help me make sure my employees are honest, law-abiding citizens. In conducting background checks on applicants, what sort of information is available from the Georgia Crime Information Center (GCIC)? …

Georgia law protects employees’ right to ‘Day of rest’


Q. We recently began operating our Georgia production facilities seven days a week. I am familiar with our obligations under Title VII to accommodate the sincerely held religious beliefs of employees, but does Georgia law impose any similar requirements? …

Travel time normally not payable


Q. Do I have to pay my employees for travel time? …