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  • HR Specialist: Employment Law
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Downsizing and FMLA leave


Q. Our company is in the process of going through a reduction in force. One of the positions that has been selected for elimination belongs to an employee on FMLA leave. Can we still eliminate the position? …

Religious accommodations


Q. An employee of ours is requesting a personal day off for religious observance. He is salaried and has exhausted all vacation and personal time. Are we required to give him the day off? …

When employee keeps our property, can we deduct from the last paycheck?


Q. If an employee quits or is terminated and refuses to return employer property—such as a pager or a cell phone—can the employer deduct the value of the property from the employee’s final paycheck? …

FMLA intermittent leave and hours worked


Q. We have an employee with a chronic health condition who began taking FMLA intermittent leave in February. She had worked more than 1,250 hours in the 12 months before the leave started. By June, she had dropped below 1,250 hours. Does she lose her eligibility now? …

Rights of returning Iraq vets


Q. One of my employees is scheduled to return this fall from a two-year tour of duty in Iraq. What rights does this employee have regarding his return to work? …

When litigious employee continues to threaten retaliation suit


Q. An employee filed a sexual harassment claim with the Ohio Civil Rights Commission against my company. The commission investigated the charge and found it to be without merit. She still works for us and is continually threatening to file a retaliation claim. Can she? …

Michigan’s minimum wage is higher than the federal rate


Q. The federal minimum wage increased in July. How does that relate to the minimum wage in Michigan? …

Employee fraternization—The kiss of discord?


Q. We are a relatively small company, and it has come to our attention that two of our single employees have become romantically involved. One of the employees is in management. We have no policy addressing employee fraternization (if that is the correct term), and we wonder whether we can, or should, do something about it. Ideas? …

Employees must request copy of personnel file in writing


Q. An employee orally requested that we provide him with a copy of his personnel file. Employee files are voluminous, and we would prefer not to provide a copy if we don’t have to. Are we required to copy the file for our employee? Can we require that the employee copy the file on his own time? …

Keeping I-9 forms in separate file: Is it mandatory?


Q. I’ve read that we shouldn’t keep employees’ I-9s in their personnel files. Is this a suggestion or are there laws that require them to be in separate files? —L.K., Alabama …