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  • HR Specialist: Employment Law
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To pay or not to pay when inclement weather closes the office


Q. During a recent patch of inclement weather, our company president determined that the roads were too unsafe to ask our employees to come in to work. We notified our employees that they would not be needed that day, and that they were welcome to use a vacation day if they wanted to be paid. (Normally, our policy requires 48 hours’ notice if employees want to take a vacation day.) Some of our employees do not have any accumulated vacation time. Must we offer to pay them? …

Monitoring Internet usage


Q. Our IT manager wants to install software onto our company computer system that will allow us to monitor Internet and e-mail usage on company equipment. Our employee handbook prohibits the use of company equipment or the Internet to surf inappropriate web sites, but does not specifically warn staff that management may monitor their use. Do we need to amend our computer-use policy before installing the monitoring software? …

Demoting workers who belong to a protected class

Q. When making demotion decisions—especially those involving employees in protected classes—what factors should an employer take into consideration to avoid legal backlash?

Setting policies for covering employees’ electronic communications

Q. What areas should we cover in our electronic communications policy?

Responding to mold allergy illness complaints

Q. We have an employee who claims she feels sick whenever she is at work. She attributes it to a mold allergy. What should I do?

Protecting against negligent hiring


Q. I recently read an article about employees who were attacked at work by other employees who never should have been hired in the first place. How can an employer reduce its risk of liability for negligent hiring? …

Can we demand a polygraph test to identify theft suspects?


Q. Recently, money from my office’s petty cash lockbox came up missing. As a part of our investigation, can we require employees to take a lie detector test? …

Despite lawsuit fears, should we provide anti-Harassment training?


Q. Our company is considering providing anti-harassment training to all employees. Some executives are concerned that the training might actually stir up lawsuits. Do you recommend such training? …

Are we required to explain why we discharged an employee?


Q. My company recently terminated an employee. The employee claims that she is entitled to a letter outlining the reasons for her discharge. Is she correct? If so, how much information must we provide the discharged employee? …

OSHA safety reporting requirements


Q. What information must be included in an OSHA Log 300 and when must it be posted? …