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  • HR Specialist: Employment Law
  • The HR Weekly


What does the proposed Employee Free Choice Act involve, and what are its prospects?


Q. The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) has been headline news as of late. What is this proposed legislation?

Secretly recording co-workers: A firing offense?


Q. Some employees discovered that a co-worker has been secretly recording conversations with them and a supervisor. They’re complaining about the invasion of privacy. The company president’s first reaction was to have the employee arrested, but I’m not sure he broke any laws. Should we contact police?

The impact of partial-day absences on exempt status


Q. We have a policy that allows exempt employees to take partial days off and have the balance of the day charged against their accrued vacation time in two-hour increments. I have concerns that this arrangement—despite the fact the exempt employees are getting their full salaries—could appear that they’re being treated as hourly employees, thus jeopardizing their FLSA exemption status.

Must we call back laid-off workers first?


Q. Are we required to call back an employee who’s been laid off? The person wasn’t a responsible employee and called off often. Are we obligated to call the person back to work if we have an opening, or are we eligible to hire someone else?

Can we pay hourly staff comp time instead of OT?


Q. I’ve heard conflicting answers: Is it legal for our company to pay our hourly employees comp time instead of paying time-and-a-half for overtime worked?

Can we ban nurses from wearing protest buttons—without violating the NLRA?


Q. Some of the nurses at our hospital have started wearing union buttons that state, “Nurses Demand Safe Staffing.” If the hospital administrators ban the buttons, will the hospital have committed an unfair labor practice?

What happens if workers’ comp carrier doesn’t respond to referral request?


Q. The authorized treating physician of an employee who suffered a job-related injury referred the employee to a pain management specialist. Now our employee tells us that our workers’ compensation carrier has not responded to the referral request. The carrier evidently believes that this referral is not reasonably and medically necessary. Can it deny the referral request for that reason?

What is the employee’s responsibility to notify us she needs FMLA leave?


Q. We received a note from an employee’s physician simply stating that she was ill. On one occasion, she had to go to the emergency room from work, and she subsequently called in sick one day about a month or two later. Is this sufficient notice under the FMLA to require us to regard this as a request for extended FMLA leave?

Can we cut employee pay to reduce costs?


Q. We are considering layoffs but would like to avoid them. Can we cut employees’ pay because of tough economic times?

Does it do any good to include a confidentiality notice on our e-mails?


Q. My company is considering adding a confidentiality notice to our e-mail messages to cover situations in which an unintended person receives our company e-mail. Does this provide any protection?