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Memos to Managers

Ten things great bosses do every day

We’ve all heard the adage, “People don’t leave bad jobs; they leave bad bosses.” On the flip side, great bosses change us for the better. They see more in us than we see in ourselves and help us learn to discover our strengths. Look at these ten characteristics of great bosses to know where you rank—and, more importantly, how to improve.

8 steps to writing a winning remote job description

While a job description for a remote job includes much of the same information as any job description, there are also some remote-specific elements you should include. According to a recent FlexJobs report, here are eight elements to consider including in job descriptions for remote positions.

The 5 worst interview questions & what to ask instead

The interview remains a hiring manager’s most effective tool for evaluating job candidates. Unfortunately, managers too often rely on a list of standard interview questions for which most applicants have canned responses. Here are five common questions to avoid, as well as suggestions for more productive queries that will help you make the correct hiring choice:

10 things your employees are dying to hear you say

Only about a third of employees these days say they are “engaged” in their jobs. But in the midst of everyday chaos, it’s hard for managers to think about big-picture issues like employee morale and motivation. Here are 10 phrases or questions you can use with employees to build respect, gratitude and trust, according to a new book by Todd Patkin, Finding Happiness.

10 common phrases that turn employees against you

Managers are human. You’re bound to make some unfortunate word choices now and then. But employees will give you a pass on those annoying expressions for only so long. Spew these 10 phrases at your peril.

5 questions to ask yourself just seconds before you fire someone … and 5 to ask yourself just seconds before you hire someone

Are you really sure you want to press that button just yet? Run a few things through your mind before picking up the phone … or making the long hard walk down the hallway.

Is your staff suffering from FORTO?

Make them see the office as an inviting place to come back to.

Should you take that worker back?

2022 may be the year of the boomerang employee.

Power rankings—for managerial skills

Here are the top 10 qualities they all must have.

5 tips to get the most out of employees’ annual evaluations

How do you handle a performance review that involves some news employees won’t necessarily welcome?