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Memos to Managers

Employee documents: What to keep, what to toss

Is the paper piling up in your office and in need of a big spring cleaning? Before managers start tossing documents in the circular file, they need to know which employee-related paperwork must be saved—and for how long.

Honest or not? 10 questions to spot ethical applicants

When managers interview job candidates, it’s nearly impossible to get a good reading of a person’s moral compass. Here are some effective “situational” or “behavioral” questions and scenarios managers can pose.

Employment law 2013: Compliance quiz for managers


Legal complaints filed by employees against their employers have risen dramatically over the past decade. How well do you know the law? Take this quick quiz:

10 ways to overcome ‘negative vibes’ among your staff

A hard-core negative attitude that starts with just one employee can quickly infect an entire department (or a whole company) if the manager doesn’t rein it in quickly. Here are 10 tips for confronting em­ployees whose negative behavior has begun to affect co-workers and the company:

A step-by-step guide to legally safe hiring practices

Hiring is one of the most difficult and legally dangerous tasks for supervisors. Just a few ill-timed words in a want ad or interview can trigger a legal complaint. Here are the key liability hot spots to watch out for in the hiring process:

Don’t be swayed by the top 9 excuses for harassment


When managers witness or hear about a possible sexual harassment situation at work, it’s important for them to take the situation seriously. It’s vital for managers to contact the appropriate company officials in any potential harassment situations. Don’t be swayed by these common excuses you’ll hear from employees.

Writing performance reviews: Details will save the day

When it comes time to writing performance evaluations, it’s best to stay away from broad generalizations about the employee’s work. Instead, provide concrete examples that support your stated performance rankings. Follow these guidelines for writing evaluations.

Supervising Introverts: 5 Tips for Managers

Introverts may be less noisy, but they actually outnumber extroverts in the workplace. But in today’s extroverted business world, introverts can sometimes feel overlooked, excluded and misunderstood. Jennifer Kahnweiler, author of the groundbreaking book, The Introverted Leader, suggests managers follow these five tips for supervising their introverted employees …

Manager mistakes: 3 key lessons from the courtroom

It’s always smarter—and less expensive—to learn about employment law from others’ mistakes, rather than your own. Here are three new court decisions that serve up great lessons for any manager:

Customizing feedback: The 9 different personality types


Ever notice how you can say the same exact thing to two different people, and they each take the comment completely differently? The best managers know how to give feedback to different employees. Here are nine personality types and how to handle them: