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No ADA violation if accommodation is found outside interactive process


If an employee doesn’t engage in the interactive accommodation process, instead offering up his own idea for a reasonable accommodation, does the employee still have the right to file a claim alleging failure to engage in the interactive process?

Make sure your good records are dated, too

When it comes to litigation, employers that keep meticulous performance records and can pinpoint exactly when they made important employment decisions typically fare better than those who keep sloppy records.

Got a good reason for firing? Then stick with it–or risk a lawsuit

Generally speaking, the law does not tolerate inconsistency very well. That’s one reason it’s so important to be careful about how you explain someone’s termination. If your story changes, don’t be surprised if it winds up being used against you.

Late despite accommodation? OK to discipline

What can you do about a disabled employee who has requested a late starting time as a reasonable accommodation—and still can’t manage to get to work on time? You can and should discipline her just as you would any other employee with attendance problems.

Monitor malpractice claims to collect any reimbursement

Employers with self-insured health plans should carefully monitor whether employees or their dependents using those health benefits end up suing a provider for malpractice.

Changing nature of work affects seaman classification

Generally, seamen aren’t covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act’s overtime provisions. However, it’s not as simple as one might think to decide who should be classified as a seaman.

Carefully analyze FLSA categories to make correct exempt/nonexempt call

The Fair Labor Standards Act is now almost a century old. What hasn’t changed is the simple fact that trying to figure out the exempt or nonexempt status of a position requires applying the definitions of each exemption to the actual day-to-day work being done.

Several great candidates is a good problem!

Bad news: A qualified applicant you rejected may be disappointed enough to sue. Good news: Courts aren’t going to second-guess your choice among great candidates unless it is abundantly clear that you rejected someone based on discriminatory intent.

Not every suspension is retaliation

HR professionals sometimes warn managers that suspending an employee without pay can backfire—even if it’s for what seem like legitimate reasons. The problem is the potential for a retaliation lawsuit if the employee has previously complained about discrimination.

How to stop lawsuits from failed candidates: Document why you hired the successful one

Are you prepared to defend each decision not to hire someone? Be sure you can explain why the person you did pick was the most qualified applicant.