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Manager who did the hiring also should do the firing


It may be a good idea to track who in your organization makes the decisions to hire specific employees. That way, those managers can also be part of the decision to discharge employees who turn out to be duds …

Seek accommodations even if the effort seems impossible


As soon as an employee makes it known that he needs accommodations, it’s up to the employer to start an interactive accommodations process, even if it turns out that no accommodation is possible …

Pick qualification standards and stick with them


Sorting through candidates for promotion? Make sure you apply the same education and experience standards to all of them. If you don’t, chances are at least one spurned candidate will consider a lawsuit

RIF after FMLA leave? Possible, but proceed with caution


If you terminate an employee soon after he or she has returned from FMLA leave, you open yourself to charges of retaliation …

Don’t let your lawsuit fears prevent necessary discipline


It’s a dilemma faced by many HR professionals: Discipline an employee who has engaged in a “protected activity” (like union organizing), and you risk a retaliation lawsuit …

In RIFs, Show That Economics (Not Age) Drove Your Decision


Age discrimination cases are on the rise, with more employees suing under the federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act and the Texas Commission on Human Rights Act …

You can insist on bilingual ability if the job requires it


Many employers have run afoul of federal discrimination law by requiring all employees to speak only English at all times. The EEOC has said employers can only set such “English-only” rules if they can show a clear business need …

Applicant can sue only if there’s a true job opening


Do you worry you may be courting a discrimination lawsuit when you turn away an applicant or toss an unsolicited résumé in the trash? Rest assured that turning away applicants when you don’t have an opening isn’t likely to get you in trouble

Firing a troublemaker? Focus on concrete business reasons


When it comes time to fire a difficult employee, focus on clear and easily explained legitimate business reasons for the action you want to take. That means documenting any work problems and relating those problems to the major job functions you hired the employee to perform

Good records are key to winning retaliation lawsuits


When it comes to discharging employees, it’s very important to document your decision-making process. Be prepared to show that you followed company disciplinary rules and applied them even-handedly …