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Use workers’ compensation policy checklist to avoid retaliation lawsuits


Texas, like many states, makes it illegal to retaliate against employees who file workers’ compensation claims. To avoid such a lawsuit, make sure managers and supervisors treat injured workers fairly

OK to change job requirements, but be prepared to justify


Jobs evolve and often become more complex, so it makes sense to revisit job requirements when someone quits, retires or is promoted. There’s no better time to re-evaluate positions to make sure the next job candidates will have the skills, training and experience necessary to succeed. But if you don’t document the changes carefully, you may find yourself facing a lawsuit …

Solid reasons for firing protect against retaliation charges


Nothing will land an employer in legal hot water faster than firing an employee who just made a discrimination complaint. At first glance, it will almost always look like retaliation. But that doesn’t mean your hands are tied …

If you don’t have a policy, you don’t have a defense


If you don’t have a sexual harassment policy (or if no one pays attention to the one you have), watch out! You’ll have to pay compensatory damages if an employee can prove he or she was sexually harassed—and you also could pay punitive damages …

Act fast to remove supervisors who make racist comments

Adopt a “zero tolerance” policy for managers or supervisors who make racist comments. Those caught making derogatory or discriminatory comments (à la Don Imus) should be promptly shut down. If you don’t fire or at least remove them immediately, their words may come back to hurt the company …

You can enforce a reasonable dress code

Have your employees lost a sense of appropriate workplace attire? If so, remember that you can enforce a reasonable dress code. Just stay clear of banning religious dress that doesn’t pose a safety hazard—that might amount to religious discrimination. On the other hand, you don’t have to allow the same employee to sport the religious (and other) symbols of multiple faiths …

Clarify employee’s leave status the easy way: Jusk ask


If your organization has a strict attendance policy, you naturally want to make sure you don’t miscount FMLA absences in the tally, or you risk an interference-with-leave lawsuit. But how are you supposed to know whether an absence is for an FMLA reason? If the employee never gives a reason for an absence or simply says he or she is sick, that’s not enough to require further inquiry on your part …

Train managers and supervisors: No humiliation allowed


While some may think it’s all in good fun, no employee should be the butt of bad jokes or other potentially embarrassing and humiliating conduct. Once started, such behavior often takes on a life of its own. It then becomes difficult to stop …

Court: Intermittent FMLA leave won’t cover tardiness, bathroom breaks


Employees are becoming well versed in the FMLA game, and you’re paying the price. Unscheduled intermittent leaves now account for a huge portion of all FMLA leaves of absence. And while the law does allow employees to take FMLA leave in small bites for a doctor’s visit or to care for a sick relative, it doesn’t give them unfettered rights to random work breaks or to arrive late without a good excuse …

Revising crisis plan? Consider disabled workers’ needs


In light of April’s shootings at Virginia Tech, organizations are taking a fresh look at their evacuation and emergency notification procedures. When you review yours, resist the well-intentioned temptation to lessen risk by shunting aside disabled employees