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In pay discrimination cases, job duties—not titles—are what count for comparison


Employees may assume that, just because they hold the same job title as another employee, they should receive the same pay. But the label an employer assigns to a job isn’t nearly as important as the job duties performed by the person holding the job.

Absent genuine doubt, grant FMLA care request


Here’s a risk you’ll run into if you refuse to let an employee take time off to care for a child she says has a serious health condition that requires her care: If you guess wrong and the case goes to trial, it’s up to the jury to decide whether the child’s condition rose to the serious level.

5th Circuit passes on NLRB cases from elsewhere


The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, whose decisions cover Texas employers, tends toward conservative rulings. It recently rejected a case that could have opened up the litigation floodgates for companies that have pending unfair labor practice charges.

Insist whistle-blowers use internal process before suing or calling authorities


It may not be particularly comfortable for government employees to bring alleged wrongdoing to their supervisor’s attention, but whistle-blowers have to muster the courage to do just that. The Texas Whistleblower Act says so.

Hang tough when there’s absolutely no discrimination


Sometimes, you have to trust that your lawyer and the courts will do the right thing and toss out a clearly frivolous case. As long as you are sure that you have solid reasons for firing an employee who wasn’t doing her job—and that you didn’t treat her any differently than any other employee with the same track record—fire her.

Title VII doesn’t cover retaliation for OSHA complaints


The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has rejected an invitation to expand the number of cases that fall under Title VII’s retaliation provision. It recently ruled that someone who reports an OSHA violation couldn’t charge that he or she was retaliated against by filing a Title VII retaliation lawsuit.

Posting openings, tracking all applications discourage frivolous discrimination lawsuits


Employers that post job openings and then track the response they get to their advertisements will discourage frivolous lawsuits. Would-be applicants can’t say they tried to apply or were discouraged from doing so because of discrimination if the company can show how it routinely handles all job openings and applications.

Log performance problems and deficiencies … just in case


You never know which employee is going to sue you over a lost promotion, poor evaluation or other perceived slight. That’s why you should always keep careful track of all work deficiencies and document what role they played in every employment decision.

Federal employment: Training in how to complain pays off


Smart employers make sure their employees know the rules by providing information several ways.

Feel free to alter jobs to suit business needs


Employers have the right to meet business needs by changing the jobs their employees do, and they can set the minimum qualifications for any new positions they create. It’s the company’s prerogative to then decide whether to replace existing employees with others who meet the requirements.