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Your HR Career

E-mail’s little helpers: 5 tools to help manage your in-box


Here’s a New Year’s resolution that’s productive and easy to keep: Once and for all, take control of your e-mail! These five tips will help you stay organized, free up time and server space—and keep you from committing career suicide.

Communicating during tough times: 7 common employee gripes (and how to respond)


The global financial meltdown has workers fearful and downright angry. If you plan on surviving the recession, your managers must acknowledge the fear and anger employees may feel. Don’t let these seven gripes pollute your workplace.

Stress test: 9 questions to find out if you’re a victim or a master


Everyone’s stressed these days—whether from financial worries or just the looming holidays. Some thrive on stress, but for others it’s an emotional and productivity drain. Here’s a simple self-assessment you can do to gauge your stress level—and do something about it.

Dishing out bad news? 6 tips for your emotional survival


Announcing layoffs and cuts in pay and benefits can exact a personal toll on you, too. Here are six tips from psychologists and HR experts to help you cope with the stress that results from telling employees things that cause them anguish.

HR cost-cutting moves: Your benchmarks for surviving the meltdown


As the impact of the global economic crisis takes hold, a quarter of U.S. employers expect to make layoffs in the next 12 months. Find out how employers nationwide are hunkering down—and the HR lessons you can apply to your organization. Your goal: Do what needs to be done … without killing productivity.

You can’t make more time—use it wisely!


Randy Pausch, the Carnegie Mellon University professor who died of cancer in July at age 47, earned a devout following after delivering his “last lecture” in 2007. He later gave another lecture, this one specifically about time management. Here are a few of his simple, yet powerful tips.

4 tips for doing your job like a master geek


What are the best online tools to help you get things done smarter and faster? Gina Trapani, lead blogger for Lifehacker.com and author of Upgrade Your Life, is an expert at helping people master modern technology. Here’s how everyday Joes and Janes can be like master geeks, she says.

Upside of the Downturn: How HR Can Help Weather the Economic Slump


HR pros have an important role to play in helping their companies weather the economic downturn. Whether sitting in on C-Suite meetings, offering one-on-one counsel to decision-makers or training employees, you need to know about the strategies successful companies use to survive and thrive in tough economic times.

Asking for a raise: 10 tips for making your pitch

You may not be comfortable when it comes to negotiating your own pay and perks, so lay out your case using these 10 negotiation tips. From opening offers to the handshake that seals the deal, here’s how to make your case and get the rewards you deserve.

Court Says: It’s Up to You to Stay Current on Industry-Specific Regs


Federal, state and local governments issues thousands of pages of new regulations every week. Some relate directly to HR, but many of the most critical changes may not be on your professional-development radar screen. They’re the regs that affect the narrow slice of industry your company operates in. Guess what. You need to know them too.