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Your HR Career

How to lead when you hate the order you’re carrying out

How do you enforce an ill-advised layoff, or a dubious business decision, and still maintain your sanity and credibility?

The HR I.Q. Test: September ’18

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

Back to the very basics

What would you consider to be the “Mount Rushmore” of workplace conduct essentials—the four simplest attitudes or practices that an admin must master quickly to advance in a career? Here are the ones we believe deserve a place on any monument.

Does that decision really require a meeting?

Meetings are an essential platform for sharing information, brainstorming new ideas and collaborating as a team. But are they always necessary? Not according to those recently polled by Accountemps.

The HR I.Q. Test: August ’18

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

Adopt these three habits to be a more respected manager

Earning the title of manager can be a rite of passage on your personal career ladder—but it doesn’t necessarily mean that your employees, peers or superiors will follow your lead, respect your ideas or perceive your recommendations as credible. Adopt these three habits to command the professional respect you need to succeed as a manager.

The dreams that tell you you’re stressed

If you run into a string of these pesky nightmares, or even one whopper, it’s probably time to take stock of your situation and acknowledge your stress is worth addressing.

Before you join that ‘cool’ project

You may be excited for the opportunity to do something new—and showcase your talents—but just make sure that it doesn’t end up being a big waste of your time and energy. Follow these tips.

Kavanaugh appointment unlikely to skew employment law cases

If Judge Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to join the U.S. Supreme Court, replacing retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy, it probably won’t signal a significant shift in how the court approaches employment law cases.

Say ‘no’ to no-shows: 8 steps to ‘pre-boarding’

More employers are launching formal “pre-boarding” programs. The goal: engage new hires between the time they accept an employment offer and the first day. Here are eight ideas to keep your new hires committed and interested.