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Your HR Career

The HR I.Q. Test: August ’20

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

8 tips to make HR effective in times of crisis

As an HR pro, you probably played a key role in helping your organization survive the roller coaster of the Great Recession and the subsequent rocky recovery. The skills that were indispensable a dozen years ago can help you make sure HR remains effective as we weather the upheaval caused by the pandemic.

Are your ‘best practices’ just that?

Experts may recommend adopting best practices and performance benchmarks to improve your group’s performance. However, as management consultant Michael McLaughlin cautions, don’t import ready-made solutions until you’re sure they’ll work in your situation. Test each practice four ways.

An empathetic leader? Yes; a pushover? No

In these difficult times, we look to business leaders to take the helm of their company with confidence and authority. However, now is not the time to rule with an iron fist.

The HR I.Q. Test: July ’20

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

Even after reopening, prepare for some staff to remain remote

Redesigning workplaces for social distancing, virus containment and general safety is proving daunting and expensive. No wonder some employers are rethinking whether to reopen.

The critical role all managers play in workplace diversity

Managers play a critical role in ensuring that a high-level corporate concept of workplace diversity comes to life in a way that all employees can feel, sense and embrace in their professional lives.

6 tips to take care of yourself and your staff

Employees, managers and companies of all sizes are navigating unprecedented times, and trying to pivot to a “new normal” in personal and professional life. Here are tips all managers can use to reduce the amount of stress you and your teams experience during this time of extreme uncertainty.

Handle customer gripes in 5 steps

It’s no fun to have someone in your face—but with the right response, you can turn the situation to your advantage. Follow these steps to escape the most common pitfalls.

Stay ever-present when working remotely

Do you worry that if you’re away from the office and mixing face to face with colleagues for too long, they’ll simply forget how important you are? There are ways to keep injecting your presence even from far away.