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Start 2022 by checking in on employees’ mental health

Some of your employees are working through mental health issues of varying degrees caused by all this stress, change and loss. The hard part is figuring out what we as employers can do and should do. Here are five suggestions.

Comp budgets on the rise, but still below inflation

Over the past decade, inflation has hovered between 1% and 2%, while the average merit budget increase has risen between 2% and 3%. In 2022, the vice-tight labor market is expected to drive those salary levels higher.

New Year to bring new state employment laws

Employers will face new laws and regulations in 2022 affecting how they manage their employees and workplaces. Some change is coming from Washington—for example, various covid vaccine mandates and, if enacted, provisions of the Build Back Better Act—but the measures most likely to affect employers next year are coming from states.

The HR I.Q. Test: December ’21

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

Spot the trends that will shape the workplace in 2022

The ADP Research Institute’s “People at Work: A Global Workforce View” study found that 64% of the global workforce was negatively impacted by covid-19. That has led workers to reprioritize their needs, further redefining how and where work gets done. The report identifies these trends shaping the workforce in 2022.

Make 2022 the best work year yet, for you and your team

As you and your team form your action plans for 2022, use these expert tips from best-selling author, speaker and organizational consultant Simon Sinek to embrace the fact that you can and will come out of the hard times of the last year to be even better by the end of 2022.

Did the COVID pandemic help or hurt HR’s reputation?

COVID forced HR to take on dramatically new roles and tasks. So how did the pandemic affect how your HR function is viewed by employees and the C-suite?

Pandemic caused changes to HR costs, staffing, skills

The pandemic flipped the workplace on its head, and it’s apparently doing the same thing to HR departments.

8 tips for choosing your battles

If there’s any given in life, it’s that there are always battles. There’s realistically nothing you can do about that. But that doesn’t mean you have no control.

The HR I.Q. Test: November ’21

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.