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Lessons from America’s worst employers of 2021

Here are last year’s top (or bottom, depending on your perspective) nominees, counted down from 8 to 1, along with a key lesson you can learn from their misbehavior.

Warn employees about student loan forgiveness cons

The Biden administration’s recent decision to extend the pandemic-driven pause on federal student loan repayments from Jan. 31 until May 1 was good news for more than just borrowers. Scammers embraced the extension, too—three more months to try to con unwary loan-holders!

The HR I.Q. Test: January ’22

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

Got ‘Glassdoored’? How to respond to negative online reviews

It’s tempting to quickly react, make it personal or try to get even with the anonymous poster (typically a former employee). But the best move is to manage the issue calmly. Here are three tips.

Power rankings—for managerial skills

Here are the top 10 qualities they all must have.

Start 2022 by checking in on employees’ mental health

Some of your employees are working through mental health issues of varying degrees caused by all this stress, change and loss. The hard part is figuring out what we as employers can do and should do. Here are five suggestions.

Comp budgets on the rise, but still below inflation

Over the past decade, inflation has hovered between 1% and 2%, while the average merit budget increase has risen between 2% and 3%. In 2022, the vice-tight labor market is expected to drive those salary levels higher.

New Year to bring new state employment laws

Employers will face new laws and regulations in 2022 affecting how they manage their employees and workplaces. Some change is coming from Washington—for example, various covid vaccine mandates and, if enacted, provisions of the Build Back Better Act—but the measures most likely to affect employers next year are coming from states.

The HR I.Q. Test: December ’21

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

Spot the trends that will shape the workplace in 2022

The ADP Research Institute’s “People at Work: A Global Workforce View” study found that 64% of the global workforce was negatively impacted by covid-19. That has led workers to reprioritize their needs, further redefining how and where work gets done. The report identifies these trends shaping the workforce in 2022.