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The elections are over. Now it’s time to update your HR policies

The result of November’s mid-term elections means a split Congress. This will make it difficult for legislation to pass. Thus, no drastic changes are expected, according to counsel at McMahon Berger, P.C. in St. Louis. But counsel at the firm, Stephen B. Maule and Timothy W. Bubenik, outlined several issues for which employers should prepare.

New York’s adult abuse survivors can now sue

A flood of harassment and sexual abuse claims has emerged after New York temporarily lifted the statute of limitations. The Adult Survivors Act is a one-year window to allow people who were abused or harassed as adults to file claims outside the statute of limitations for those offenses.

Peer research: Salary budgets to increase in 2023

Do you have employees asking for raises, but the CEO and owners don’t want to increase budgets? If you are an HR manager trying to advocate for these increases and want to point to industry norms and research, Salary Budget 2023: Xpert Survey Report presents some helpful data.

More 2023 HR trends to watch

We’re back with more HR trends to watch in 2023.

Federal contractors: Your EEO data may be released

On November 15, the OFCCP was sued to release all the federal contractor EEO data that contractors must submit to monitor compliance with contract terms that ban discrimination, etc.

Lessons from America’s worst employers (2022 edition)

Of course, we should praise employers who treat their employees respectfully, pay fairly and take their legal obligations seriously. Yet, we can all learn something from the worst of the worst. Here is a sampling of America’s worst employers of 2022.

3 2023 HR trends to watch

As we approach the new year, some significant HR trends are emerging. These will affect how you recruit, hire, manage and terminate employees. Here’s what to expect in 2023.

The HR I.Q. Test: December ’22

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

High court ponders employment cases

The Supreme Court tackles several employment cases this term.

Snapshot: Work resolutions 2023

Getting a raise is the main 2023 career goal for almost half (44%) of 1,000 Americans surveyed by Moneypenny.