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Liability doesn’t stop at company door

The president of Windermere Relocation Services really wanted to win the Starbucks account. He told Maureen Little, the firm’s top corporate services manager, that he wanted to “do whatever it takes …

Be vigilant against bias in wake of terrorist attacks

Following the attacks on Sept. 11, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is urging employers to guard against harassment of Arab-American and Muslim workers.
It wants companies to:

Sweeten Deal to Retain Worker After Training


Q. We just covered the entire cost for an employee to complete nurses’ aide training. We intended to draw up an agreement before the training so that this employee would be available to our business for six months before she could seek other employment, but we failed to discuss the agreement before the training. Can we have her sign such an agreement now? —C.E., Ohio

Test before deciding on employee’s limits

Shirley Hoffman was a whiz at her indexing job at Caterpillar Inc. She moved faster than almost anyone, even though she was born without a left arm below the elbow. Several …

Risky environment won’t end your duty to reduce danger to staff

All patients at Topeka State Hospital posed a danger to themselves or others. Staff members knew that, and the hospital regularly required workers to sign job description documents that mentioned the …

Don’t let policies rot on a shelf; educate staff or lose your defense

Sprint wasn’t ignorant of sexual harassment. The company had distributed a human resources policy guide to all employees in 1990 and posted it in all offices. Its code of ethics urges …

Even religious groups can’t favor employees based on religion

Diane Roh worked her way up to director of nursing at a nursing home affiliated with the Church of Christ. She wanted to join a program that would train her for …

Keep age out of mix when deciding who gets education benefits

Dan Esberg wanted to cash in on his company’s educational assistance program. The company paid Esberg $16,000 for his bachelor’s degree after he had turned 50. But when Esberg decided to …

‘Downtime’ pay: When to pay for travel, rest, on-call time

It’s a deceptively simple concept: You have to pay nonexempt employees for every hour they work. But employers often trip over interpretation of that law when it comes to exceptions such …

Harassment: Your response makes all the difference

Case 1: The ‘sex’retary Lesley Gentry’s boss constantly hugged her, kissed her and made suggestive comments, such as asking her to “try out the back counter” with him. He gave …