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What’s the cost of a chair? A lot less than a lawsuit

Issue: Minor squabbles between employees and supervisors escalating into illegal “discipline.” Risk: If left unchecked, they can escalate, resulting in discrimination or retaliation claims. Action: Use the following case …

Here’s more reason to police supervisors’ compliance

Issue: How much oversight should your organization exert on supervisors who handle potentially violent situations? Risk: Letting one misguided supervisor call the shots …

Don’t wait for a complaint to punish misbehaving staff

Issue: Some supervisors believe in a “No complaints, no problem” motto. Risk: By ignoring blatant harassment or discrimination, supervisors open the organization to “negligent supervision” lawsuits. Action: Educate supervisors …

Requiring training won’t constitute retaliation, court says

Don’t worry about assigning an employee to a job in which she’ll need to upgrade her skills, even if that employee previously filed a lawsuit against your organization. Reason: As long …

Anti-bias and sex-harassment training: a 5-point checklist

Issue: Failing to train employees on discrimination and harassment can prove a costly mistake, but so is training them the wrong way. Benefit: Effective and ongoing training signals your “good-faith” …

Cut training costs by gauging the ROI

Issue: Prove that dollars spent on training employees represent money well spent. Risk: Going out on a limb without convincing proof. Action: Use free online tools to help you …

It pays to promote from within

Outside hires typically take twice as long to reach full productivity as in-house hires, according to a study by Mellon’s Human Resources & Investor Solutions Service. The study says executives hired …

How to prevent growing risk of ‘negligent supervision’ suits

Thorough background checks can help you defeat any negligent hiring claim.
But what if applicants’ background checks come up clean, yet they begin displaying troublesome behavior at your workplace. In …

Help a rookie manager, and create an ally for life

Issue: New managers need your help, especially in their first three months. Benefits: Smoother management transitions, and they’ll see you as an asset rather than as a nuisance. Action: …


Issue: Retaliation complaints by employees doubled in the past decade.
Risk: Even if you escape liability on an initial employment lawsuit, you could be smacked with a secondary retaliation charge. …