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Access free government training on preventing violence at work

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) just released a 27-minute training video that offers practical ways for businesses to identify violence-at-work risk factors and keep employees safe.

Top brass not listening? Scare ’em straight with true stories

Issue: Many CEOs take a head-in-the-sand approach to employment-law threats. Risk: The top brass may tune you out if you simply tell them …

Trump ‘The Donald’ with benefits of apprenticeships

Issue: Your organization can benefit from government-backed apprenticeship programs. Benefit: Such programs can help you attract better applicants, cut turnover …

Would your harassment training pass legal muster? 5 fixes

Issue: In harassment and discrimination lawsuits, courts examine whether your training is effective, frequent or formal enough. Risk: Simply having a …

Protecting trade secrets: Loose lips sink your legal defense

THE LAW. Today’s definition of trade secrets encompasses any information, technical or nontechnical, that your organization has reasonably protected and is valuable enough to give you an actual or potential …

To cut turnover, give applicants a realistic view of job

Issue: How much should you, or the hiring manager, “sell” a position versus giving the full picture, warts and all? Risk: Providing an overly rosy scenario will create …

Ease pay complaints & turnover by training managers


More often than not, employees believe that their pay levels are pulled out of a hat. And when employees do raise questions about their compensation, they typically go first to their front-line supervisor: the person with the greatest impact on their morale but the least-trained person to offer a good answer …

Stereotype about motherhood, by itself, can count as bias

Remind managers never to base employment decisions on how they believe employees would act based on their gender, race, religion or disability. Make sure managers focus solely on the performance itself, …

Pay attention to rising complaints of ‘same-race’ bias

Issue: Courts are seeing a spike in discrimination claims involving people of the same race.
Risk: Some supervisors wrongly ignore same-race complaints, believing, for example, that “blacks can’t discriminate against …

Surprise! Off-duty horseplay can qualify as ‘work time’

Issue: Your broad liability for workers’ comp injuries. Risk: If supervisors exert control over employees outside the workplace, your organization could be liable for resulting injuries. Action: Alert supervisors …