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The new legal risk of overworking bilingual employees

Issue: Overburdening employees because of their language abilities.
Risk: Relying too heavily on bilingual employees could spark a national-origin bias lawsuit.
Action: Remind supervisors to be on guard against …

Protect your company’s secrets … and take the credit


Issue: U.S. employers lose nearly $60 billion each year due to trade-secret theft, but many still often overlook this risk.
Risk: Your organization can be ruined if competitors gain access …

Work with managers to motivate part-time employees

Issue: Improving the productivity of your part-time employees.
Risk: Part-timers often feel, and are sometimes treated, like second-class citizens, which can hurt their performance.
Action: Work with supervisors to …

Stop regular e-mail purges if a legal complaint flares up

Issue: Your policy of periodically deleting business e-mail.
Risk: Courts could penalize your organization if it deletes e-mail messages that relate to a potential lawsuit.
Action: Alert IT to …

Tap into new generation of low-cost online training tools

Issue: Many HR departments can’t afford e-training and education programs.
Benefit: Using basic, inexpensive do-it-yourself training tools, you can cut costs and earn praise for your big-picture thinking.
Action: …

Sink the hook into coveted candidates

Issue: Luring stars from other employers.
Benefit: Good first impressions breed a high percentage of responses.
Action: Urge hiring managers to follow this three-step format when breaking the ice. …

Lend managers an ear to help them solve employee issues

Issue: Don’t always rush in to solve employee problems for managers; sometimes, just listening is the best course.
Benefit: Effective listening casts you in the role of coach, encouraging managers …

Offhand gripe to co-worker can trigger retaliation protection

Make sure you train employees how to lodge work-related complaints with the company. The benefit: A clear complaint procedure provides a defense if employees lodge informal complaints outside of your process. …

Take harassment training seriously; more states mandate it

Smart organizations have hosted sexual-harassment training for years. But now that California has joined the list of states that mandate such training, your state may be next.
The California law …

8 ways to squeeze more value from entry-level training

Issue: Some young, entry-level hires have the attention span of a gnat. How can you possibly train them?
Risk: Failing to properly train rookie employees on the right work habits …