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Choose top training videos with the aid of online ‘critics’

Issue: You need to occasionally buy training videos/DVDs, but thousands exist and the quality varies greatly.
Benefit: Using a reputable rating service can help you sort out the “Citizen Kanes” …

Summer’s here: Time is right for safety lapses and fraud

As temperatures rise, so do two additional risks: 1. Safety. Summer months are traditionally the worst months for on-the-job accidents. That’s because the heat can impair employees’ judgment and more employees …

Don’t overlook insurance-company freebies

Many insurers offer free services that can cut your costs or make your business safer. Examples: Some offer free safety inspections and risk-management analysis. Others provide free classes or training materials …

Build an impenetrable age-bias shield

In light of the Supreme Court’s recent landmark age-bias ruling, you should schedule time in the coming weeks to review your organization’s policies, from hiring to compensation and layoffs, to find …

Previous pregnancy troubles are no reason to refuse hiring, rehiring

Remind your managers: Contrary to popular belief, female employees don’t need to be pregnant to earn legal protections under the federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA). Even nonpregnant employees can sue.

Train all supervisory employees how to spot and take complaints

Don’t think that you can automatically swat away a pesky sexual-harassment suit by saying the complaining employee didn’t follow your complaint procedure to a “T.” Courts may let employees pursue their …

Take same-race discrimination complaints seriously

Don’t allow discrimination to continue at your workplace simply because the “discriminator” and “discriminatee” are in the same racial minority. Just as supervisors over age 40 can be guilty of age …

Raise your skepticism level to smoke out resume lies

HR professionals are well aware that many résumés and applications are full of exaggerations or flat-out lies. But while you review those documents with a healthy dose of skepticism, your newest …

Don’t deduct training costs from ex-Employee’s pay


Q. As part of our new employees’ noncompete contracts, we’ve started including a clause that requires employees to repay the company (through payroll deduction) for training costs if they quit or are fired within one year. Are we OK legally? —S.M., Kentucky

Scour your policies now for any traces of age discrimination

Issue: A new Supreme Court ruling ratchets up your vulnerability to federal age-discrimination lawsuits.
Risk: Employees no longer need to show a “smoking gun.” Even policies that inadvertently discriminate can …