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Brush up on ADA compliance; state EEOC offers free training


Think your managers and supervisors could use a refresher course on complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act? Contact EEOC Pennsylvania, which offers free seminars at its regional offices …

Manager orientations: How to get new leaders up to speed quickly


How would you rate your orientation process for new managers and executives? Not good, if you’re like most organizations. Poor orientations can cause high-dollar hires to leave or fail to become productive in the critical first months. Improve your orientations by taking the following steps …

To boost productivity, teach money management


At least 15 percent of Americans are so stressed out about money that it affects their work, and about half say they spend more than 20 hours a week dealing with financial matters, says a Virginia Tech study. One solution: Ease employees’ financial pains—and bolster your organization’s retirement plan participation rates—by teaching employees how to better manage their money …

Employer not liable for manager’s unforeseen safety breach


If one of your company’s supervisors knowingly ignores a safety rule, can OSHA hold the company liable? OSHA has long argued "yes" and has moved against employers on the premise that if the supervisor knows he’s violating the rules, then the company also knows …

Isolated racist comments won’t always be discrimination


You know the workplace should be free of racially or sexually charged comments and that supervisors most certainly shouldn’t engage in such banter. But you can’t wipe prejudice out of every employee’s mind …

Remind managers: FMLA carries personal liability risk


If your organization’s supervisors tend to ignore all that "HR talk" about FMLA leave, here’s one way to get their attention: Point out that, in addition to suing your organization, employees can sue their bosses (and HR directors!) personally for FMLA-related mistakes …

Cut Out the Age Jokes; Employees Aren’t ‘Antiques’


Workplace humor is fine until it drifts into the realm of gags about employees’ gender, race or religion. Even age-based jokes can trigger lawsuits. Although few employees will win age-discrimination lawsuits based on a joke or two, such juvenile behavior can take an otherwise marginal case and give it legal legs …

Labor Department Offering Low-Cost Training Solutions


Could your employees benefit from work skills training, but you’re operating on a limited training budget? The state’s Labor Department, through its Pennsylvania Career Link offices, may provide a solution …

EEOC settles race case over training discrimination


The EEOC and Jameson Memorial Hospital settled a federal lawsuit that was originally filed last February. The New Castle hospital will pay $50,000 to an African-American radiology technician who claimed the hospital denied him training opportunities because of his race …

Curb Turnover Using Job-Rotation Plan, Not Job Sharing


You know that employees who feel stalled in their careers are more inclined to quit. But how can organizations keep their workers energized and constantly training for a step up? One solution that’s gaining steam: a new breed of job-rotation program …