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Train your managers: Make no promises about wages or raises


Florida contract law recognizes oral contracts. That’s why it’s important to train all managers and supervisors to avoid promising employees any specific wage increases …

FCRA Is the Ticket to a Jury Trial for HIV-Positive Employees


Florida’s courts have expanded protection for HIV-positive employees under the Florida Civil Rights Act. At first glance, the law appears to be a state version of Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act and the ADA all rolled into one. But state court interpretation of the act may grant Florida employees protections they don’t have under federal law

Dust off your harassment policy or face the jury


Too many companies’ sexual harassment policies are ancient history—drafted almost a decade ago after the U.S. Supreme Court laid down strict liability rules for how employers must protect employees from sexual harassment. But a dusty binder on a shelf won’t do anything to protect your company

Pay for training time


Q. If our organization offers voluntary training to our employees and the training takes place during their lunch hour, do we have to pay the employees for the time spent attending the training? 

If you don’t have a policy, you don’t have a defense


If you don’t have a sexual harassment policy (or if no one pays attention to the one you have), watch out! You’ll have to pay compensatory damages if an employee can prove he or she was sexually harassed—and you also could pay punitive damages …

Train managers and supervisors: No humiliation allowed


While some may think it’s all in good fun, no employee should be the butt of bad jokes or other potentially embarrassing and humiliating conduct. Once started, such behavior often takes on a life of its own. It then becomes difficult to stop …

Strong harassment policy plus training essential


It’s been a few years since the U.S. Supreme Court laid down the law on sexual harassment…. Time breeds complacency, and too many organizations have let down their guard. The world’s best policy won’t do you any good collecting dust on a shelf …

Lame excuses for rejecting candidates can land you in court


Say the wrong thing during the hiring process, and you’ve got a lawsuit on your hands. Here are three tips to help keep supervisors’ feet out of their mouths

No hire/Fire responsibility? No matter. Employee can sue you personally for job bias


Watch out! If you are involved—even in a small way—in any activity that leads to a discrimination claim, you may be personally liable …

Want a script that will land you in court every time?


Try this one: A New York City school psychologist who suffered from asthma and migraines approached an incoming principal about continuing his accommodations, which included an air-conditioned office. The principal allegedly replied, “If you require an accommodation, you should get yourself a job that doesn’t require an accommodation”