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Finance training produces better retirement investors

Employees who participate in financial wellness webinars are more likely to adjust contributions to their 401(k) funds, according to new research by the Employee Benefits Research Institute.

Pandemic reshaped how training is delivered

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way employers train their employees and led to a 3.1% decrease in the average organization’s spending on employee learning, according to the Association for Talent Development’s 2021 State of the Industry report.

How to work with outside trainers

Got someone coming in to briefly set up shop for some staff training? Don’t fall asleep at the switch and assume everything will go smoothly.

Anti-harassment training in the post-COVID era: HR’s new role

The dramatic return of sexual harassment cases to the forefront of pop culture and employment litigation the past couple years should serve as a wake-up call to human resource professionals to reconsider whether they are relying on outdated and awkward harassment training videos or other boilerplate programs.

Virtual training took off during the pandemic

As of early 2021, 98% of employers were using virtual classrooms to deliver at least some training to their employees, according to new Association for Talent Development research.

Report: Pandemic recovery will require retraining push

As the economy recovers from the coronavirus pandemic, millions of American workers—especially minority workers, women, youth and workers with lower educational attainment—will not only need new jobs, but also the training and opportunities to switch careers, according to a new report by the Conference Board business advisory nonprofit.

White House infrastructure plan would bring changes for employers

The Biden administration’s infrastructure proposal—tentatively titled the American Jobs Plan—was unveiled March 31 and is still in draft form. Taken together, the proposals written into the AJP could affect how employers run their workplaces for decades to come. Here are some of the expected highlights.

Biden acts to reverse Trump civil rights rules

Just hours after being sworn in on Jan. 20, President Joe Biden moved to overturn Trump administration policies affecting how the government addresses workplace diversity and bias in the federal workforce.

Review diversity training for EO compliance

A Trump administration executive order banning federal agencies and contractors from offering many common kinds of diversity training programs is drawing fire—and legal challenges.

Online training time: DOL explains when to pay

The U.S. Department of Labor has issued a new opinion letter that helps clarify when employers must pay workers for the time they spend undergoing training that is delivered online.