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How to Help Managers Deliver the ‘No Raise’ News to Employees


The most difficult part of a system that withholds merit increases from poor performers is giving the bad news to the employee who hasn’t earned a raise. That can be a scary prospect for managers who don’t like delivering bad news.  That’s where you step in: Help them prepare, so that they don’t cave in to the pressure …

Add coaching, mentoring to retention effort


Coaching and mentoring are among the top new ways to retain high-potential employees, says a survey by ClearRock, a Boston-based executive coaching firm …

OSHA fines tire recycler $219,800


OSHA issued $219,800 in fines against Tires Into Recycled Energy & Supplies Inc. (TIRES), of Jackson, following a fire at its plant last May that resulted in an employee’s death …

Beware the impact of romantic affairs on other employees


A workplace affair can wreak havoc if the couple breaks up—especially if one is a supervisor. There may be a sexual harassment claim lurking in the affair. But that’s not the only problem. Sometimes an office affair can create an uncomfortable situation for other employees …

The 10 rules every HR pro must know


Lawsuits may be inevitable in today’s litigious society, but losing them is not. Follow these 10 rules to prevent the most common employment-related lawsuits—or at least increase your chances of winning them.

Wage-and-Hour compliance: How to win the numbers game


Have you or any of your organization’s supervisors ever given the go-ahead to hourly employees to work through lunch so they could leave work an hour early for a special occasion? Sure you have. Who hasn’t? But know this: Every time you do it, you’re probably breaking the law …

$4.3 million to settle Hispanic workers’ discrimination suit


B & H Foto and Electronics Corp., the enormous 9th Avenue photo mecca in Manhattan, will pay $4.3 million to settle a race discrimination lawsuit by the EEOC. The lawsuit alleged B & H paid Hispanic warehouse workers less than others …

Train managers: Don’t tell customers why employee was fired


Some things are better left unsaid. That’s especially true when it comes to telling customers and others outside the company why someone was fired—especially if the reason involves dishonesty. Spilling the beans can lead to a slander lawsuit, which can cost your organization time and money even if you ultimately win …

Say what!? Gen Y employees bring great expectations to work


Perez Hilton, who? d-listed, what? And what in the world does “OMG” mean? If you’re feeling out of touch with workers from younger generations at the office, you’re not alone. Generation Y is reshaping the workplace.

No ‘Hands-Off’ status just because of discrimination complaint


Employers can’t retaliate against employees for filing discrimination claims. But that doesn’t mean you have to treat such employees with kid gloves. Just tell managers and supervisors to apply the “smell test” to any proposed change to the complaining employee’s work assignments …