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How to measure the return on your training investment

Employee training represents an act of faith for many organizations. They know it’s important, but few can quantify the return on investment (ROI). Still, HR is pushed to prove that training pays off. Use a formula to prove to senior managers which training produces results and which doesn’t …

What to do with the ‘Informal’ personnel files our managers keep


Q. In addition to the official personnel files we keep in HR, our supervisors keep informal or working files. Is this allowed? Does this practice present any concerns? …

Track training opportunities, participation to show you don’t discriminate


Employees who belong to a protected class often sue for discrimination if they feel they have been denied training and education opportunities. That’s why you should carefully track what training courses or experiences you offer, the minimum qualifications for each opportunity and who ends up taking advantage of each one …

Denied training opportunity isn’t necessarily discrimination

It’s not discrimination for an employer to offer training to some employees but not others—if the training doesn’t lead to greater pay, advancement opportunities or other tangible benefits. Simply put, employers don’t have to worry about discrimination lawsuits if their decisions are based on solid business reasons …

Labor pains: The perils of the Employee Free Choice Act

As the 2008 election cycle intensifies, organized labor is devoting substantial resources to support candidates who will advance its ambitious legislative agenda in 2009. That agenda includes passage of the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA). Employers must understand what EFCA passage would mean and what they can do now to ensure that union organizers do not target their employees …

N.C. employers face greater risk of punitive damages

In a pair of surprising decisions, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld large punitive damages awards against employers that juries said violated the ADA. The cases are significant because the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals has long been considered the most conservative court in the nation—and a safe haven for employers …

Recouping training costs when workers leave

Q. It costs a lot to train new employees, so naturally we are upset when those employees leave. They benefit from the training, and we are out the cost. Can we recover training costs if an employee leaves? …

4 new tricks for long-Distance training

Thanks to flashy new tools, you can compose and distribute business slide shows online in novel ways. You may have heard about Google’s new web-based presentation tool. Here are other ways to give your bullet-point training more impact …

Where do managers need training? Find out with a survey

Targeted training of managers is vital to company success. Use a survey to identify where to spend your limited training dollars.

Dow Chemical pays $861,647 in overtime for employee training

The U.S. Labor Department has announced that Dow Chemical of Freeport paid $861,647 in back wages to 648 operating engineers as a result of a federal investigation …