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5 steps to help workers develop their skills

Offering employees opportunities to improve their skills ensures they can successfully perform their jobs, and it also keeps them engaged. Follow these steps to create a skills development plan for each employee.

Warn managers: You can be personally liable for leave mistakes


If you’re looking for incentives to get managers and supervisors to pay attention during FMLA training sessions, look no further. Simply point out that they can be held personally liable if they deny FMLA benefits to which an employee is entitled.

Fiscal cliff averted: New law sets 2013 withholding rates; ‘payroll tax holiday’ expires

In the waning hours of New Year’s Day, Congress passed legislation averting a plunge off the “fiscal cliff” and making permanent Bush-era tax rates for all but the highest earners. Now employers can finally make concrete plans for their 2013 payroll operations.

Marriott includes job training as part of social responsibility

As part of a social responsibility initiative, Marriott International is offering job- and life-skills training to young people with disabilities—and then helping them find jobs, often at Marriott hotels.

Conduct mandatory training to prevent supervisor harassment

The U.S. Supreme Court and federal agencies look askance at employers that don’t train employees and supervisors how to prevent, detect and report harassment. As a practical matter, such training is essentially required.

Supreme Court: Vance case revisits supervisor liability under Title VII

The Supreme Court tackles a contentious issue: When it comes to harassment and discrimination, just what does “supervisor” mean? Regardless of how the Court rules, employers must ensure that their policies and practices are consistent with Title VII.

Track the training you offer, who qualified–and which employees took advantage of it


If you offer training to some, you must offer it to everyone else in the same classification who qualifies. Refusing to train some employees may be grounds for a discrimination lawsuit. Prevent such lawsuits by carefully documenting all training offers and how employees respond.

What are California’s requirements for providing sexual harassment training?


Q. We know that we are required to conduct sexual harassment training for our employees. But we’re not sure which of our employees we are required to train and what formats we can use to provide the training.

Make sure training is available to all

Everyone who is qualified should have a chance to participate in your training programs.

Hotel staff learns about better service by mixing drinks


Boutique hotel chain Affinia Hotels has hired a bartender to teach its staff about customer service. A mixologist uses drink-mixing exercises to demonstrate the power of maintaining both a positive attitude and a focus on the task at hand.