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Strategic Planning

Sometimes it’s best to settle drawn-out cases

Some lawsuits seem to drag on forever, especially when an em­­ployee’s lawyers endlessly demand access to company documents. Settling those cases for a modest sum may be the best approach if l­itigation is taking over and HR is so busy responding to discovery requests it can’t get other work done.

This is NPR HR: 3 ways to rebuild & rebrand your culture

Whether we represent a start-up or an organization that’s over 100 years old, HR professionals must stay aware of the ways in which their organization’s culture is changing, says Jeff Perkins, Chief People Officer, National Public Radio.

Diversity: It’s not just an HR function anymore

Organization-wide diversity can’t just be the diversity professional’s job or the HR manager’s responsibility. It requires true partnership and participation across functional areas to align efforts that support a shared vision for diversity and inclusion.

Can we ask employees about retirement intentions?

Q. Is it OK to ask members of our management team what their tentative retirement plans are so we can focus on having enough trained people ready to step up when vacancies occur? 

U.S. Supreme Court rules on DOMA, California’s Prop 8

The U.S. Supreme Court in June issued two highly anticipated decisions addressing same-sex marriage in cases that resonated nationwide and in California. The cases are significant for employers because they are likely to have ripple effects on state, federal and local laws, in particular those dealing with employee benefit plans, taxation and immigration.

National origin, language & religion: Legally managing diversity at work

To achieve compliance and prevent successful discrimination claims (which could involve class-action exposure), employers must be attuned to workplace issues around national origin, religion and race. For most employers, this means training management and HR personnel to carefully consider their policy-making and daily decisions that can affect such issues.

DOMA overturned, launching HR overhaul

The U.S. Supreme Court on June 26 ruled the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional, a decision that set in motion a sweeping rewrite of federal rules affecting benefits administration and payroll operations.

‘Inclusion’ center to help Deloitte redefine diversity

Deloitte is redefining what “inclusion” means in its workforce. The professional services giant in March launched the Deloitte University Leadership Center for Inclusion to “expand the understanding of inclusion” by disrupting the “traditional views of diversity and work/life fit.”

Don’t let fear of lawsuits stop reorganization efforts

Companies that don’t change with the times risk going out of business. But change can be uncomfortable for employees, especially if it affects them directly in lost pay, status or even continued employment. Don’t let the possibility of a lawsuit keep you from making necessary adjustments.

Avoid July 5 fireworks

July 4 falls on the worst possible day of the week for scheduling concerns—Thursday.