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Should we use arbitration agreements to help resolve employment disputes?

In California, companies adopting arbitration agreements face a number of difficult decisions in crafting their agreements to ensure that they will be enforceable while also maximizing the benefits of arbitration.

7 questions to ask about your year-end bonus plan

If your company will hand out holiday bonuses this year, do it with purpose. Here are seven questions to ask before you start writing the checks.

ACA SHOPs postponed one year, HHS urges using brokers instead

Small business owners won’t be able go online to buy health insurance for their employees until November 2014. Meanwhile, the Department of Health and Human Services suggests doing it the old-fashioned way—through a broker.

Accommodating religion in the 21st century workplace

Employers are often reluctant to raise concerns over the impact of an employee’s religious practices. Those issues generally aren’t considered to be job-related, and the fear is that addressing them might cause a discrimination lawsuit.

Penalties rival incentives as work health tactic

Employers will use both carrots and sticks to keep workers healthier and stem the tide of higher health care costs, according to the 2013/2014 Towers Watson Staying@Work Survey.

Top 10: The basic rules every HR pro must follow

While lawsuits may be practically inevitable in today’s litigious society, losing them is not. Ten rules to follow:

Beware subtle age-bias peril: Don’t assume older employees are ready to retire

Employees in this day and age often want or need to keep working despite advancing age. If you force out those workers, you’re asking for trouble.

Two new California laws will cost employers in two ways

California has two new laws affecting employers in the state. The first, signed into law in Au­­gust, applies to employers that prevail in wage-related lawsuits. It limits their ability to obtain attorneys’ fee awards. The second, signed in September, raises California’s minimum wage to $10 per hour by January 2016.

GSA saves $24 million by reducing office space

The U.S. General Services Administration is saving $24 million a year in real estate costs since it moved its 4,000 Washington, D.C.-based employees from three buildings to one.

Get ready! Older workers delaying retirement


As much as 18% of the U.S. workforce could retire within the next five years, says a new study from ADP. That’s assuming the average retirement age is 61. But more workers are pushing retirement age past the traditional timeline. That presents HR pros with two big challenges.