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Strategic Planning

Execs dawdling on OT? Get their attention!

Having trouble getting senior management to take the new overtime regulations seriously? If executives seem to believe they can wait to get serious, scare them straight with these warnings.

Don’t let succession planning pave the way for discrimination

Many companies design succession plans so they can spot the next generation of leaders early and develop current employees to their full potential.

Federal budget has treats, tricks for employers

What do the EEOC, DOL and NLRB have in store with the $1.1 trillion budget bill passed just before the end of 2015?

Tweets & Facebook posts: Must your business save them?

Having archives of social media postings could help avoid legal trouble.

Visa scrutiny could slow business travel

International business travelers entering the United States could spend more time clearing immigration, especially if they have visited Iran, Iraq, Sudan or Syria. That’s because of tighter security measures and new restrictions imposed on the visa waiver program passed in the wake of terrorist attacks on Nov. 13 in Paris and Dec. 2 in California.

HR challenges include succession, retention

Today’s most critical human capital challenges are employee engagement, developing the next generation of leaders and compensation that improves retention, according to HR professionals responding to a new survey by the Society for Human Resource Management.

HR budgets returning to pre-recession levels

The typical HR department saw its budget rise by 4.2% this year. That’s a slight rise from the past three years, when budget increases ran from 3.6% to 3.9%, but well up from the 2009-2011 recession levels, according to the newly released HR Department Benchmarks and Analysis report from Bloomberg BNA.

Scrutiny of arbitration agreements on the rise

If you require employees to sign arbitration agreements as a condition of employment, expect more questions from them in light of recent media attention.

College completion slowing even as STEM studies grow

While the demand for educated labor continues to increase in the U.S., new research from Economic Modeling Specialists Intl. suggests the supply of qualified candidates may not be keeping up with employer demand.

Checklist: Processes to prevent internal theft

A Small Business Administration report says 30% of employees admit to stealing from their employers. Every organization needs policies and procedures in place to curtail internal theft. Test your company’s efforts by answering the following questions.